Song for Denim
Wide ステファン Walking
LastUpdate : 2023/05/26 11:54
Music information
(2023年05月26日 11:54 更新)
(2020年08月21日 02:50 更新)
(2020年08月11日 04:34 更新)
@公式パッケージ公開前N譜面やってみた人たち SORRY FOR BEING いじめっ子
Team | Latin Europe | ||
BMS Artist | Wide ステファン Walking URL | ||
Genre | ITALO DISCO | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | Song for Denim | ||
Size | 43000KB | BGA | none・none |
Level | ★x3〜★x20 | BPM | 115 |
TAG | 7Keys Use-BGA Use-ogg Difficulty-beginner Difficulty-intermediate Difficulty-craziness |
DownLoadAddress | |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2020/08/08 00:00 | Last Update | 2023/05/26 11:54 |
VOTE Points
キメラのキタムラ ()
(CCInkONw.GpW8gHo5YJP)DK ()
(uuMxTeR7QVLq3.Rl8wKR)kairos22 ()
(Bqrl4KNe9ipJISnxVIUS)129DCB9 ()
(2NeMJsyqC8.cti11EgVN)STANK! ()
(RjYdYxDa6DjFNCqGJEJP)nakai-san ()
(AcSddgA7J5nF5BzJFcJP)Clam ()
(aEwq8PTu3lj3dMLBXsKR)Short Impression
Post Short Impression
Long Impression
Played patterns: A, I, R
Music: 6.0/7.0
Patterns: 5.0/7.0 (A(4.5), I(4.5), R(6.0))
Keysound Objects: 7.0/7.0
Others: 2.0 (Base File (+1), Impressive Graphics (+1))
Total points: 20.0 (A)
Comments: 스크래치로 다양한 음을 연주하는 것이 좋았지만 완급조절이 다소 아쉬웠다. 키음의 사용과 패턴에서 the lost dedicated에 대한 존경이 보였습니다. Rock my shit!!!
제작 수고하셨습니다! (Thank you for your hard work.)
This widens the ステファン.
> Impressive Graphics (+1))
Do you believe me when I say that I made That Shit in 20 minutes
> Rock my shit!!!
Rocking One's Shit
Rocking one's shit is a term used when someone is looking particularly attractive. Usually when they're wearing something that makes them feel or seem more attractive. However, it can be used for someone who simply looks uncharacteristicly good by some random unintentional force
Forms of "Rocking One's Shit":
"I totally feel like I'm rocking my shit today."
"Dude, Amber is totally rocking her shit! Did you see that outfit?"
"That guy is SO picky. You need to seriously rock your shit if you want a chance with him."
> 制作お疲れ様でした
I don't know who this 制作お疲れ様 person is but no, as far as you know this is your man ステファン here. Remember that
Normal_zankoku is いじめっ子
This widens the ステファン。
> 事前情報ゼロでやった結果、見事ダミーのN譜面をやってしまい最後泣きました。
[picture of audience applauding]
This widens the ステファン。
> 僕は縦連打
> SPHを遊びましたが、なぜ譜面がこうなってしまったのだろうか
思考力 0 なので頭には「配置入れろ入れろ入れろ入れろ入れろ入れろ入れろ入れろ入れろ入れろ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!」しか流れていない。申し訳ない
> 隣接同時押しが大量に降ってくるのも流石に頂けないです。
ブエ エエエエエエ!ウアアアアアアアア!!!人生悲しみ(((((((涙 ))))l)
This widens the ステファン。
> ャバぃ!!!!!!!!!
En argot Internet, un troll caractérise un individu ou un comportement qui vise à générer des polémiques. Il peut s'agir d'un message (par exemple sur un forum), d'un débat conflictuel dans son ensemble[1] ou plus couramment de la personne qui en est à l'origine. Ainsi, on désigne sous le néologisme troller le fait de créer artificiellement une controverse qui focalise l'attention, aux dépens des échanges et de l'équilibre habituel de la communauté[2].
Imagerie typique associée au troll sur Internet, un perturbateur qui se cache derrière son ordinateur pour diffuser des controverses artificielles, notamment sur les réseaux sociaux.
Désigner un « troll » est un jugement subjectif, la désignation d'un élément sciemment perturbateur pour le discréditer et l'éviter.
L’argumentation caricaturale et récurrente est une « empreinte typique du troll ». Elle est la preuve d'une mécommunication, et d'une impossibilité d'échange dans la compréhension mutuelle. Le « trollage »[3] présume en plus des provocations intentionnelles et le but de nuire.
À l'origine, le terme renvoi à une plaisanterie (« troll positif ») où le trolleur tire satisfaction d'avoir réussi à berner ses victimes, à leur avoir fait perdre du temps. Son champ s'élargit à partir des années 2010 et il peut dorénavant aussi s'appliquer à l'envoi de messages provocateurs et offensants, exacerbés par l'anonymat et la tribune que procure internet (« troll négatif »)[4].
L'usage en français du verbe « troller » ou du nom commun « troll » est un emprunt à l'argot Internet de langue anglaise. L'usage de ce terme en anglais (sur Internet) est prétendu remonter aux années 1980[5], mais la première mention avérée daterait d'un message de 1992 sur le groupe Usenet alt.folklore.urban[6]. Deux origines distinctes sont généralement proposées pour ce troll Internet :
Selon la première hypothèse, le mot ferait référence au troll, une créature monstrueuse peu amicale ou agressive du folklore scandinave. Ce terme serait alors emprunté au troll des langues scandinaves (notamment suédois ou norvégien), lui-même emprunté au vieux norrois trǫll ou troll attesté dans la littérature nordique du Moyen Âge[7]. Au sens figuré, le troll désigne aussi dans les pays scandinaves un individu ayant un comportement inapproprié, violent ou agressif[réf. souhaitée].
Autre origine possible : la cuillère est un leurre pour attraper le poisson à la pêche à la traîne (trolling).
Selon la deuxième hypothèse, le mot dériverait du verbe anglais « to troll » ou du mot « trolling », qui font références à des techniques de pêche à la traine et à la cuillère. Ce verbe anglais to troll dérive peut-être du moyen français « troller, trôler », qui fait référence à des déplacements au hasard ou en vagabondant et s'applique à des techniques de chasse ou pêche[8]. L'usage de trolling en anglais, avec le sens figuré de « chercher à provoquer des réactions » est attesté vers 1972 dans l'aviation américaine lors de la guerre du Viêt Nam[9].
Le substantif « troll » est un des 150 nouveaux « mots, sens et expressions » ayant fait leur entrée dans l'édition 2017 du Petit Larousse illustré, parue le 26 mai 2016[10]. Il y est défini comme « un internaute qui empoisonne les débats sur internet avec des remarques inappropriées ou provocantes »[10].
Music: 921/1000
Animation: 824/1000
Patterns (7K NORMAL): 933/1000
Overall: 892.6/1000
Thank you for your work.
This widens the ステファン。
> Thank you for your work.
How to Reply to Thank You Emails (With Template, Examples and Tips)
March 20, 2020
Email technology makes it easy to send quick messages and notes to people in professional settings. Increasingly, business associates might send each other thank you emails rather than thank you cards to express gratitude. Responding to thank you emails is an appropriate and polite gesture that can help establish or promote a positive relationship.
In this article, we explain when to reply to thank you emails, describe how to reply and provide an example response.
Related: 15 Business Follow-Up Email Templates
When to reply to thank you emails
Employees receive many emails a day from colleagues, clients and external stakeholders. Some emails require responses, while others do not. Responding to a thank you email is often a good idea. Acknowledging the email helps keep relationships strong, be it between you and a colleague or you and a client. There are some thank you emails that you can safely ignore, like those from salespeople whose products you are not interested in purchasing.
If you're not sure whether the thank you email warrants a response, consider if you want to maintain the relationship with the sender and if the thank you email includes follow-up questions. If either of these things are true, provide a quick response to the sender.
Related: 20 Best Practices for Email Etiquette in the Workplace****
How to reply to thank you emails
Use these steps to construct an appropriate and effective response to a thank you email:
Acknowledge the sender
Explain the benefit
Be brief
Maintain a positive tone
Sign your response
Respond quickly
1. Acknowledge the sender
Open your email with an acknowledgment to the sender. Show your gratitude for their email.
Example: You're welcome, Pat!
2. Explain the benefit
Describe the benefit to you of the project, favor or work for which you are being thanked.
Example: I enjoyed the opportunity to meet with the client and develop my sales skills.
3. Be brief
Keep the email short. Since a reply to a thank you email is a follow-up communication, it does not require lengthy explanation.
Example: I look forward to more client meetings in the future.
4. Maintain a positive tone
The tone of your email should be light and positive. Focus on the gratitude you feel and the benefit you garnered from the original interaction.
Example: It was no problem at all!
5. Sign your response
If the reply is to a colleague or other internal member of your organization, include an informal signature with your name. If the reply is for a customer or other external stakeholder, include your formal business signature with your job title and direct contact information.
Example: Sincerely, Alexi Jonesburg, Sales Associate, 870-586-3142 ext. 509
6. Respond quickly
Write and send your response to a thank you email within 24 hours of receiving it. Since these replies are short and require no research, it shouldn't take much time to craft an appropriate response.
Related: 12 Effective Ways to Begin an Email
Template for thank you email replies
Consider using this template to structure a concise and effective reply to a thank you email:
Dear [sender's name],
It was my pleasure! I enjoyed [project or task], and it [benefit to you]. I look forward to [related experience].
[your name]
[job title]
[contact information]
Examples of thank you email replies
Here are a few examples of thank you email replies to help you get started on your own:
1. Thank you email reply to a colleague
Dear Ryan,
It was my pleasure! I enjoyed working with you and the rest of the team on the spring marketing campaign, and it really helped me gain a deeper understanding of SEO best practices. I look forward to getting started on the summer campaign!
2. Thank you email reply to a customer
Dear Ms. Arnold,
You're very welcome! I enjoyed finding the ideal bedroom set for you and Mr. Arnold, and it was a pleasure to meet and work with both of you. I look forward to helping you find more perfect furniture pieces in the future.
Bri Anders
Floor Manager
907-445-6536 ext. 133
3. Thank you email reply to a supervisor
Dear Heather,
It was my pleasure! I enjoyed researching the best practices and creating the report. It really helped me deepen my understanding of the value of effective procedures, particularly for our team. Happy to help with any other projects in the future!
Tips for writing effective emails
Use these tips when writing replies to thank you emails or any other kinds of professional email:
Use the subject line: If you're creating an original email rather than a response, make sure your subject line gives the receiver a clear idea of what the email message will entail.
Stay focused: Keep your email to one or two related ideas. Clearly describe the situation and what you need from the receiver.
Identify yourself: If you're emailing someone for the first time, introduce yourself and your role in the company at the beginning of the email. This way, the receiver knows who sent them the message without having to scroll down to your signature.
Proofread your writing: After composing your email, review it for accuracy and clarity. Correct any misspellings or awkward phrasing before sending the email.
Be appropriate: Keep language professional and appropriate. Use full words rather than abbreviations or emojis.
Respond quickly: Respond within 24 hours of receiving the email. If you need more time to gather information, send a response noting that you are working on the sender's request and provide a time frame for a full response.
Use reply-all sparingly: Check to make sure the people included in the reply message need the information.
Consider a phone call: If you're finding yourself writing a lengthy email or asking for a complicated request, consider calling the person rather than emailing. It can be easier to explain yourself over the phone rather than through writing.
Include a signature: Even if you're just emailing with colleagues, include a brief signature with your name.
Consider creating templates: If you find yourself composing similar emails or replies repeatedly, think about writing a few templates to make your email process more efficient.
This widens the ステファン。
> イタロディスコだけはたまたま以前BMS制作で携わった事があり
あのBMSとは、Symphonian氏のMy Life is Mineでしょう?
実はLR2IRでItalo Discoを検索すると結果はあの曲しかない・・・大変惜しかったと思ったのですが、こうなら俺がItalo Discoと参戦すると決めました
> 最初はボーカル欲しいなとか思いました
> サビ前の展開がもうちょっと色々あるといいな
やっぱりボッカルを消したらこんな風になる・・・後悔 moment
This widens the ステファン。
> ヤバい!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Japanese slang word: yabai (やばい)- when things get dangerous
By locksleyu | January 19, 20152 Comments
In a previous post, I’ve discussed how Japanese has less curse words than languages like English. There are a few, however, which can pack quite a strong meaning, and in this post I’ll be talking about one such word – “yabai”.
“yabai” originally means “dangerous” (equivalent to Japanese “abunai”) or a bad situation.
Police officer is a dangerous job.
This phrase can be also used as a expletive in a way similar to the English “shit” or “damn”.
Shoot! I forgot to turn in my homework!
There are several different variations in it’s pronunciation (when used in casual conversation), for example:
やばっ! (yaba!)
やべー! (yabee!)
やべっ! (yabe!)
The small tsu (っ) that is in the first and third hiragana words above means to end the last sound quickly. This is difficult to convey in romaji so I’ve just left that part out.
Young people have taken this phrase and expanded it’s meaning to mean something extreme, similar to “very”.
A 1000-yen cookie is super expensive, don’t you think?(Currently, 1000 yen is roughly $8.50)
[Note: in the above example “やばい高い” is one adjective followed by another which is technically incorrect grammar, however this is a slang expression and is actually said this way. You can say “やばく高い” which is correct but sounds less natural.]
You could replace “super” with “crazy” in the above phrase’s English translation and you might capture a bit more of the nuance of the word.
Here is another example using やばい as an adjective, this time with a verb:
That book is selling like mad!
In a similar way, you can use “yabai” to mean “amazing”, or “surprising” (similar to “sugoi”). For example, say you just found out that a great book you read is a true story and this surprised you.
This book is crazy! (lit: “Isn’t this book crazy?”)
Since it’s a slang word, I would avoid this word unless you are with close friends to be safe.
One related word is “mazui” which literally means “unsavory” or “not tasty” (like food), but can also be used to describe a bad situation. However I’ve seen this phrase used mostly by adults/older people.
If you enjoyed the article, please check out my new book on Japanese particles: Yabai Quizzes for Japanese Learners.
This widens the ステファン。
> 修正前のSPN譜面をやってしまい、最後の皿連打で泣いてしまいました
> 懐かしさがあり
曲については90年のITALO HOUSEを彷彿とさせていてとても懐かしく感じました。
This widens the ステファン。
> HYPER以下の難易度の譜面にどうしても「手加減に失敗してしまった」ような印象がちらついてしまいました。申し訳ない。
Played Beginner and Normal
[Total: 8.25/10]
Cool song, and good sound! Sound seemed to be breaking by the loudness but I thought that it's not much a problem. (I didn't really think this needed to be fixed)
As for the charts, first, I did the first version with the "いじめっ子" scratch. I thought it was a nice joke! The second version became a regular chart, but I still felt some unbalance of difficulty between the last part and the other part - last part seemed to be a bit more difficult than ☆7 to me, where other part seemed like ☆4 or ☆5.
I liked the simple BGA, but maybe it would be better if there's more movement in the BGA.
This widens the ステファン。
>Sound seemed to be breaking by the loudness but I thought that it's not much a problem.
I thought the same at first but after watching a couple livestreams of people playing WORLD WAR entries, I found out that the experience varies from user to user. In my own case there is very slight clipping in a way that provides a nice accent to the song, but for some it's unbearably loud
> I still felt some unbalance of difficulty between the last part and the other part
Much to my displeasure I have to agree. I have unfortunately gotten considerably worse at making consistent charts during the past while... For some songs this unconsistency works fine and for some it doesn't. I'll make a point to try and regain a better sense of consistency for the next works
> I liked the simple BGA, but maybe it would be better if there's more movement in the BGA.
It's very, very uninspired because the song gives me no "visual imagery" at all. In general I try to infuse themes I can fall back on for the BGA with every song I release in BMS events but this song was an exception. Since it was too late to ask someone else for a BGA so I figured I'd just make "something" anyways since having no imagery wouldn't work with the general aesthetic...
fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
(not for blame someone or you, this is my sound of typing)
fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
(felt 70-80 italo vibes but dunno how to appreciate it)
fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
(yeah charts too but somehow h-cleared ☆12 another)
fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
(gonna play bms of others, thx for your work)
This widens the ステファン。
> fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
> fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
> fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
> fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
SPN is ........???????????
In any case, this song is one of my favorites in the event musically. The melody in the chorus is really lovely and the way it builds up adding new layers is really cool, with the final section with the layered drums having a powerful effect. Plus I really dig the old ROMpler sounds.
My only real issue with the song is the mixing at 0:52 - 1:15; the frequencies from sine lead and the bell-like synth add up and that area sounds muddy to me. Might be better to EQ and adjust volume as necessary.
The updated SPN is definitely not a 7, more like a 5, and I thought it would be better if there were less long stretches of spaced out single button presses which feel like a 2-3.
On the other hand, the SPH is great, it has a lot of uncommon patterns that fit the song and make it memorable to play. Very cool and nonstandard 10.
This widens the ステファン。
> SPN is ........???????????
shoutouts to 銀の風
>I really dig the old ROMpler sounds
fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!
>the mixing at 0:52 - 1:15
shoutouts to the lost dedicated
>updated SPN is definitely not a 7
fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!! fuck!!!