LastUpdate : 2022/01/19 22:19
Latitude of Darkness チームプロフィール
Music information
(2021年11月03日 23:47 更新)
[03/11/2021 18:05 JST]
some chart files are fixed. please download the new version. Thank you.
- LThirty6
[03/11/2021 01:08 JST]
The BGA is now finished. Please download the version with BGA.
- LThirty6
A suspicion and a tribute to astatine.
This is my first BOF participation and also the first songs in my series of chemistry elements. I'm trying to express the chemical and physical properties of astatine.
Astatine is also an element that contains retro- we have chased for it for years and also future- it still contains too many to explore.
The genre is DnB at start and switched to hardcore in the middle. Please enjoy.
The charting is by LThirty6, and originally he is going to make the BGA too but it looked too weird so I decided to make one myself.
I would also like to thank all of the team members that helped me with finishing the work.
Maybe more elements are coming in the coming years (doge
Team | Latitude of Darkness | ||
BMS Artist | LiGaYb URL | ||
Genre | DnB一転Hardcore | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | Astatine | ||
Size | 143141KB | BGA | BGA include・Self |
Level | ★x4〜★x9 | BPM | 212 |
TAG | 7Keys Video-sharing Use-BGA Use-wmv_movie Gimmick-LongNote Difficulty-beginner Difficulty-intermediate Difficulty-senior |
DownLoadAddress | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DdnJXKv2yTMPOsAxSuInX797MCpwBMPP/view?usp=sharing |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2021/10/29 00:12 | Last Update | 2022/01/19 22:19 |
VOTE Points
(LSlMWWE4fPFHQ4Okc6JP)Short Impression
Post Short Impression
Long Impression
Song: 7 / 20
Pattern: 8 / 20
Comment: 곡이 전체적으로 전반부와 후반부를 나눠서 볼 때, 코드 진행은 흡사하나 사운드적인 면에서 달라지는 정도가 크게 느껴져 이상함이 느껴졌던 곡. 전반적으로 고전적인 멜로디 채용이 눈에 띄었는데 추후가 기대됨.
해당 평가는 최초 등록 직후의 파일로 평가되었습니다. 제작 수고하셨습니다!
Played pattern: H7
Music: 1.5/7.0
Pattern: 2.0/7.0
Keysound Objects: 1.5/7.0
Others: -1.5 ((-0.5) GENRE mojibake (-1.0) cannot register IR)
Total points: 3.5
Final PTS: 1.31 (F)
Comments: 곡은 드럼비트는 느껴지지만 장르명에 맞는 음색이 아닌 거 같다. 또한, 키음의 마감이 잘 안되어있어 클리킹 현상이 일어난다. 패턴은 킥 음을 배치할 때 1번으로 고정시켜서 안정감을 주는 게 우선으로 보인다. 완급조절도 곡에 어울리게 다듬어야 할 것이다.
제작 수고하셨습니다. (Thank you for your hard work.)
The melodic motif was quite good, but the overall production makes the song ultimately a bit forgettable, which is quite unfortunate. If this sounded more like a modern UK Hardcore track, I think it would be cool as hell.
外国環境でゲーム上のジャンル名が正しく表記されていない問題を確認しました。 簡体字中国語環境でエンコードを行ったようですが、大会場環境(この大会の場合日本語:Shift-JISまたはUnicode)に合わせて作成しなければ文字を正しく表記できます。
Music: 312/405
Movie: 183/225
Pattern: 230/270
Overall: 825/1000 (Music + Movie + Pattern + Basic Score (100 points))
Thank you for your hard work.