The Creator's Syndrome
Pessimistic Catastrophe
OfficialAz3 (movie : Vertex)
LastUpdate : 2022/12/12 15:24
Music information
(2022年09月24日 00:21 更新)
(2022年09月23日 19:51 更新)
'The Creator's Syndrome'
--Pessimistic Catastrophe--
NORMAL : ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 5
HYPER : ★★★★★★★★★★☆☆ 10
ANOTHER : ★★★★★★★★★★★★ 12
Music : OfficialAz3
Movie : Vertex
BMS : Warlock
A sound of silence is heard nearby Techie's area, as he silently wanders around this world, where his happiness cannot be seen.
His voice asked himself about things that made him feel terrible as it calmly whispers throughout his ears. These questions that it asked to provide conspiracies that lie in the world that he lives in. And sadly, no answers were given.
The voice questions if this is a simulation all along, or perhaps his world of imprisonment. These voices continued to bug him endlessly until there is a moment when his thoughts go into what is so-called "no control".
He wanted his voice to remain silent. He wanted his voice to have answers. And so, he finds a way to these answers by slowly discovering unseen things. But then, there is a catch...
OfficialAz3: "This entry is made as a tribute to a great tragedy of a community. This entry is not intended to harm someone, so the original references used for this entry will remain hidden. This is one of my entries for this year aside from a Final Striker an an entry from another team. Made in FL Studio Mobile, but the mixing is done in FL Studio, so expect to have a bad quality mixing process. However, I would like to special thank two people in regard of making a BGA out of this, especially the fact that the BGA is made entirely in Roblox Studio :D"
Vertex: "As our first every animation in our career, we spent a ton of time working for it. This song has much potential in our opinion and can do really well in the event. Thank you, OfficialAz3 for letting us make a BGA for you."
Warlock: "This is my first time participating in BOF, and Pessimistic Catastrophe is also my debut in this event. I have been working hard for months and receiving comments from OfficialAz3 and Vertex to complete all of the charts. Hope you can enjoy our works. Thank OfficialAz3 for such a good song, it is my pleasure to work with you"
--Communication End--
BMS Artist | OfficialAz3 (movie : Vertex) URL | ||
Genre | The Creator's Syndrome | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | Pessimistic Catastrophe | ||
Size | 110057KB | BGA | BGA include・Other |
Level | ★x5〜★x12 | BPM | 190 |
TAG | 7Keys Audition-Sound Video-sharing Use-BGA Use-wmv_movie Gimmick-LongNote Difficulty-intermediate |
DownLoadAddress |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2022/09/23 19:40 | Last Update | 2022/12/12 15:24 |
VOTE Points
Daniel Rotwind◆..f0IHKdBe.C
(y6p5tjKcp2Ikx2rTV2CN)Short Impression
Post Short Impression
Long Impression
총 점수 : 850점
제작 수고하셨습니다.
* 음악 ( 총 275점 )
곡은 상당히 반복적인 구조여서 약간 지루했습니다. 반복되는 음도 그리 매력적이었다고 하기는 힘들었습니다만, 개인적으로 이 곡에서 가장 마음에 들었던 것은 후반부 전개였습니다. 반복되던 음이 뒤틀리는 듯한 전개는 상당히 마음에 들었습니다.
* 채보 ( 총 300점 )
* 채보의 개인적인 재미 ( 200점 )
* 채보가 최소 한 키에 3종류 이상 ( 50점 )
* 플레이 가능한 키 종류가 2/3종류 이상 ( X )
* 가장 낮은 레벨의 채보가 5 이하 ( 50점 )
플레이한 채보 : SPH
채보는 플레이 자체는 재미있을법한 배치였지만 몇가지 아쉬운 점이 있었습니다. 첫번째는 음계를 무시하는 배치가 상당히 많았습니다. 두번째는 첫번째 롱노트 구간이 매우 길어서 처음부터 상당히 지루했습니다만, 생각해보면 노트가 아예 없는 것 보다는 롱노트라도 있는게 나을 것 같긴 합니다.
* BGA (총 100점 )
사실 곡명과는 별 연관이 없긴 합니다만.. 곡의 분위기와 잘 어울렸습니다.
* BMS 구성 ( 총 100점 )
* 아이캐치 ( 25점 )
* 프리뷰 ( X )
* BackBMP ( 25점 )
* 배너 ( 25점 )
* 리드미 파일 ( X )
* 빈 BMS 파일 ( X )
* BGA를 제외한 용량이 100MB 이하 ( 25점 )
BMS 구성은 위의 파일들이 들어있고 BMS에 적용되어있을 경우에 주는 점수입니다. 가급적 위에 있는 것들이 모두 있는 것을 선호하기에 점수를 설정했습니다.
* 내 컬렉션에 넣고 싶은가? ( 75점 )
곡이 약간 지루한 전개를 하고 있음에도 상당히 인상적이었습니다.
音乐: 255/300
谱面: 270/300
演出: 160/200
新手友好度: 140/200
- パターンの完成度が低い
- 退屈な曲展開
- 反復的な曲展開
Played Chart : SPH
곡의 전개가 자연스럽지 못하고 지루하였습니다.
제작 수고하셨습니다. (Thank you for your hard work.)
Played 7K HYPER and 7K ANOTHER.
The mysterious scales and simple texture of the synth leads make me think of oldschool sci-fi. I really liked the second half where the song shifts completely to neuro. The bass sound combined with the higher lead layer sounds cool.
In the outro of the HYPER pattern, I thought it was unnatural that the arpeggio started playing repeated notes but they were placed in the pattern like they were still arpeggiating. The keysounds as a whole also seemed a bit quiet.
The ANOTHER is also definitely closer to a level 11, though the scratch bursts may be a bit much.
The final score will be "6 out of 10" (good).
This will use a stricter scoring system compared to previous years.
That's all for now.