Ryukyuan Improvisation
Davidsan (movie : 嵬森)
LastUpdate : 2018/12/09 23:24
Music information
(2018年11月27日 09:19 更新)
(2018年11月27日 09:16 更新)
Just found that the BGM will not play during the game...I have uploaded the fixed version. I am so sorry for founding this so late.
(2018年11月12日 12:09 更新)
(2018年10月31日 11:36 更新)
MUSIC & BMS BY Davidsan
こんにちは、Davidsanです。今回はG2R2018のチーム「00' EXPERIMENTAL LAB」のメンバーとして、ちょっぴり沖縄的なフリージャズを提供させていただきました。もう涼しくなってきましたけど、いつでも夏気分ですっ!っていう感じの曲です。みなさんも沖縄の海とお寺とちんすこうを想像しながら、プレーしてくれると嬉しいです!
This music is composed as a member of “00' EXPERIMENTAL LAB”. It's a free jazz with a little taste of Okinawa style. Right now the weather has been cold, but I hope you can feel the sense of Ryukyuan summer through this music!
Team | 00' experimental LAB | ||
BMS Artist | Davidsan (movie : 嵬森) mail URL | ||
Genre | Ryukyuan Improvisation | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | A.KA.MA.TA→KU.RO.MA.TA | ||
Size | 67868KB | BGA | BGA include・Other |
Level | ★x8〜★x12 | BPM | 80-150 |
TAG | 7Keys 5Keys File-Append Audition-Sound Video-sharing Use-BGA Use-ogg Use-wmv_movie Gimmick-LongNote Gimmick-Soflan Difficulty-beginner Difficulty-intermediate Difficulty-senior |
DownLoadAddress |
本体 BGAとBMSのみ |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2018/10/30 01:34 | Last Update | 2018/12/09 23:24 |
VOTE Points
(SydomR31XWS1g3KyGcJP) 珊瑚 
(MuaBIz78MIB7KJ58DsJP) kairos22 
(Bqrl4KNe2FLPjAMW5EUS) さんわり 
(Yz8an3rK6m9u/9CXJoJP) Tim 
(bKFZVy4FmxezD9mGbAUS) Rb_Drache 
(MO2RLNorDltWHPosroKR) noodle 
(B2XryFgdeideOThmqsCN) pawa 
(Omc9EAGvpZH4kwluXIJP) nothing 
(m2IlYs2rkwXN6Cb.c2CN) TTT 
(I4Ik6bKzC61wyVoDasTW) YJSP114514 
(2o1QRSAb3W3jPoHgYgCN) NPC 
(Sdd3FBMyqVIX.8npQwCN) N_delight 
(dPpPGwBdwCAJMNOzY.CN) Black 
(FRxjzGoFQ9vV2RGxYEJP) neru 
(dotN76AfLMPQ1Xw2fMCN) Short Impression

Post Short Impression
Long Impression

Song: C+
Pattern: C0
Total: C0

6.75 ★
Music: (233/333) Ok cuz I'm not fan for this genre. :d
Graphic: (167/333) Though I know the mosaic throughout the video is intended, but it's really hard for me to understand and catch the emotion with the music just because it's so vague. (Except for the beginning, the end and the elevator.)
Chart (8K Normal only) (234/334):
· Too many unsuitable stacks.
· Too many unreasonable stairs.
· Not fit the music well.
I can't understand the main idea of this difficulty very well. I think most objects are too focused on playing but not for the music itself. That means this difficulty is separated itself from the music.
(time (millisecond|column(FROM 0),millisecond|column) - )
00:18:883 (18883|3,19283|4,19583|5) - to follow the music, here they shouldn't be stair. The "tune" is not increasing or decreasing, so they should be put like (18883|3,19283|2,19583|5). Same problem: 00:21:883 (21883|3,22383|5,22583|6) - 00:23:183 (23183|3,23483|4,23883|5) - and so on
00:23:883 (23883|5,24216|5) - unreasonable stack. While stacking, it is usually for emphasizing the same tune or same sequent percussion instrument.
00:24:416 (24416|6) - to column 7
00:27:483 (27483|1,27683|2,27883|3,28083|4,28283|5) - something like 00:27:483 (27483|3,27683|1,27883|4,28083|2,28283|5) - will more fit the music. Because you used stair pattern before, so if you want to emphsize another style the pattern should be changed.
00:33:283 (33283|4,33283|5,33283|6,33883|4,33883|5,33883|6,34283|5,34283|6,34283|4) - really unreasonalble stack. The tune is totally different.
00:38:083 (38083|3,38483|2) - stack to relate the previous stacks
01:00:649 - add something here cuz 01:02:849 (62849|4) - here u added an object. Btw the last note (if u add) shouldn't be stacked again.
01:05:750 (65750|7,65950|1) - sudden span idk why
01:11:550 (71550|0) - here is no sound for adding an sc here tbh.
01:28:750 (88750|4,89016|3,89416|3,89683|2,89950|1) - stair here is more fit.
01:33:016 (93016|5) - to col 7 or 1, since the sound here is needed to be emphasize.
01:41:450 (101450|7,101650|5,101850|6,102050|4,102250|5,102450|3) - obviously stacking is more fit here.
01:43:250 (103250|1,103450|1) - not recommend to stack here

後我返信欄言及予定 御容赦願


全體來說都很空虛還填不足夠, 特別一開始的獨奏實在令人覺得差了點東西
另外感受不到沖繩的音階, Jazz的和弦以及音階應該還比較複雜
製作辛苦了, 希望下年還能看到您 !

谢谢评价啦!这次时间仓促所以没有写big band 不过,我的确需要更加练习音游类曲子的乐器使用…明年的课题就是这个了
冲绳的音阶 其实用的很隐晦 在变速前有用冲绳的音阶和节奏 之后的即兴段也有用到。因为目前乐理能力无法做到能让全曲保持很浓的冲绳风,又同时让和声节奏乐句有意思,这也是我之后的课题!
顺便一提不知道你下载的谱面是不是最近两天更新的 前段时间我的那个bms文件出了点问题 游玩的时候一直无法播放bgm,前两天才改过来。。如果开头没有bass的话,那应该是老版有问题的bms

Sequence: weird double and triple chord notes.. sometimes i just get lost what parts am i playing. This kind of music should have a chart that is very clear about different parts/instruments because there is not too many instruments. Scratches are weird-placed also.
Graphic: Blurry graphics without point, pretty standard.
Music: I didn't feel the Ryukyuan vibe after I really pay attention to the scales. I believe the musical form is well organized. Maybe you want the music to be kind of modern but also easy for people that is not professional classical/jazz music lovers to appreciate it. It is great, but I was expecting some really serious atonal stuff when you guys told me before((. You did a lot of chromatic sequences (repeating the same melody and transpose it by half steps) here, maybe it is for making the music kind of atonal. It works well, but sounds a little bit simple to me?
Also the volume it's a little bit low overall.
Thank you for your work, hope you can put some serious stuff next year, I'm looking forward to it!

Thank you! I will try both bigger instrumentation and serious harmonies next year!

Damn, this is something I've never heard before. Atonal, experimental and progressive, packs some real value.
I have to admit: I think this song is sort of eerie and I won't listen to this kind of music every now and then. It's definitely not a pleasing sound, but this is also an example of why music doesn't need to be harmonic or catchy to be good.
The BGA on the other hand...... well......
At least try to find some stock footage of Okinawa streets or festivals and put it in. The moment I saw those rental bikes common in China, all the Okinawa vibe I felt from the song disappeared. And please tell me the BGA is just paying tribute to the song "out of focus".
Charts are alright. I liked the BGA gimmicks but the another chart's beginning to middle part is a bit too hard, maybe.
Music 290/300, sequence 270/300, graphic 190/300, theme (how well the previous three pair up) 70/100
Very good work, really looking forward to hearing more ambitious music from Davidsan.

BY Davidsan
The charts are way too hard and unbalanced for their level ratings.
This BMS felt very uninspired, and the BPM gimmicks didn't really add anything to the entry besides being annoying.
The song itself is fine, but it feels a bit random, and I didn't really enjoy it that much.

Thank you for your voting! Getting better at BMS making and have enough conversation with the people who makes sequence is definitely what I lack this year. I have to learn how to do them well! :)