Bit by Bit
qune (7)
LastUpdate : 2022/12/12 15:24
Music information
ogg(32MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZFV8pWTEAQGP47yuJvLYib_qUuCbFd7R/view?usp=sharing
wav(128MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FiMZOj0Ht5IWP2QdeZQGM0Th_-9bydIN/view?usp=sharing
Team | 数字協会 | ||
BMS Artist | qune (7) URL | ||
Genre | Electronica | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | Bit by Bit | ||
Size | 32431KB | BGA | BGI only・Self |
Level | ★x5〜★x47 | BPM | 15〜120 |
TAG | 7Keys 14Keys 5Keys 9Keys Audition-Sound Use-BGI Use-ogg Gimmick-LongNote Gimmick-Stop Gimmick-Soflan Difficulty-intermediate Difficulty-senior Difficulty-kusofumen |
DownLoadAddress |
ogg(32MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZFV8pWTEAQGP47yuJvLYib_qUuCbFd7R/view?usp=sharing wav(128MB) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FiMZOj0Ht5IWP2QdeZQGM0Th_-9bydIN/view?usp=sharing |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2022/09/29 03:53 | Last Update | 2022/12/12 15:24 |
VOTE Points
(RQyHe2L9vV9zDOcP5sJP) Seaborgium 
(QfAs9fxHCnEkqIje5UJP) Yuri 
(OZMdHBzIrgETupdtzsCN) Moca 
(VgUJvVvOHgT7ETnUF.TH) xion 
(BHCdMtC8SFhqt.YpaAJP) yukitani 
(50Nz3mRoL04ZZxMp/IJP) 髭姫 
(IGEkEYrUpXc9xufXQkJP) えーえいちぜろ 
(FztFulJ42muBV39sfwJP) hisoyaka 
(5jkEJTB4LPPeAKZx7EJP) lo-fi 
(LpWQ3WS7NQ1ZEE8AocCN) Black 
(LSlMWWE4fC0lZSCiBoJP) aa 
(Th2vBFdIAqwEmK9BVkKR) Short Impression

Post Short Impression
Long Impression

I played all charts.
It is an experimental IDM that includes the context of BMS, which reveals its specificity by integrating with the chart. No other music genre would have been able to give meaning to this chart. Especially, the hopping groove in BPM120 was so dope, especially when coupled with the appearance of the chart.
Chart is my first priority in the BMS, so this entry led to one of the best inspirations of all the BOF:ET entries. Thanks for the inspiring idea...!
Also, thanks for forming this idea as PMS. I can make my own, but I am hesitant do so because I would inevitably have to convert the original chart :(
There is nothing placement that follows the theory of IIDX, so that therefore the synergy as PMS have supremely enhanced I think.
#030 The LN pushback without moving lanes from #030 was especially exciting, as there are few charts that incorporate this type of performance as PMS. It will take a lot of skill to be able to use the inside and outside of the hand to push the two adjacent LN again, but I somehow feel that the official pop'n prefers this kind of approach, so I have to practice in this lol
#040 misaligned red LN is also a good trap that can lead to mistakes if taken reflexively. #045 is interesting because it is easy to lose the rhythm of the LN due to the strong movement of the jack, and requires more concentration than it looks. Short LN have a strong influence on visibility, so rather than using the same arrangement as the melody LN, it may be more efficient to combine them with some of the jacks or mix them with the axial pushes to create a more strangely puzzled chart.
#049-050 The fourth staircase in the phrase follows the definition M-Nx sounds, but I wondered if it tends to be less pitch intuitive due to the strong sound pressure of #050 2/3 definition O2. In addition, okay I don't know about the last wall. I guess that means this is the answer.
I was also surprised at how well it has generally worked, although the chart is unprecedented and it seems difficult to set the balance. However, there are a couple of instances where the last code led to a recovery and cleared, but I wonder if that was intentional. Just in terms of balance, I think making charts would be easier with make this place more difficult, but.
[5] is exactly the same as the already mentioned opinion, but I think it is especially great where the lack of rhythmic notes in the background brings tension in the first half of the piece. Very low #TOTAL makes sense by making placement separate from the other charts. #021 is the most difficult part!!!
I spoke too much in one breath. Thank you for PMS!
*Please note that priority given to scoring and long impressions on containing PMS. Sorry for Wall of Text. Thanks for your production! (DeepL)

音乐: 260/300
谱面: 255/300
演出: 120/200
新手友好度: 120/200

どうやら全曲巡回をしていると今年の傾向が見えますね。 去年の傾向が少し良くない方に流れたのではないかと思います。
とにかくエレクトロニカの方に持ってこられましたね。 パターンは上の言葉に代わりますが、曲が見せてくれた素敵なポテンシャルはそれなりに認めるべきではないかと思います。

총 점수 : 585점
제작 수고하셨습니다.
* 음악 ( 총 285점 )
곡은 신비한 분위기를 가지고 있지만 개인적으로는 전개를 약간 이해하기 힘든 구간이 꽤 있었습니다. 하지만 그럼에도 불구하고 마음에 들었습니다.
* 채보 ( 총 100점 )
* 채보의 개인적인 재미 ( 25점 )
* 채보가 최소 한 키에 2종류 ( 25점 )
* 플레이 가능한 키 종류가 3종류 이상 ( 50점 )
* 가장 낮은 레벨의 채보가 5 이하 ( X )
플레이한 채보 : main
죄송합니다. 하지만 개인적으로 대처하기 힘든 기믹이 통상채보에 들어있는걸 별로 좋아하지 않습니다. 스탑 노트로 멈추는 것 까지는 좋았지만 이후 나타나는 BPM 변화에서 bpm이 상당히 높아서 대처하기 힘들었습니다. 또한 채보도 특정 부분에만 난이도가 몰려있습니다.
채보 자체는 일반적으로 보기 힘든 채보라서 마음에 들었습니다. 곡과도 나름 어울려서 좋았습니다만, 개인적으로 상기한 이유로 인해 즐겁게 플레이 하지는 못했습니다.
* BGA (총 100점 )
곡의 신비한 분위기와 잘 맞는 느낌입니다.
* BMS 구성 ( 총 100점 )
* 아이캐치 ( 25점 )
* 프리뷰 ( X )
* BackBMP ( X )
* 배너 ( 25점 )
* 리드미 파일 ( X )
* 빈 BMS 파일 ( 25점 )
* BGA를 제외한 용량이 100MB 이하 ( 25점 )
BMS 구성은 위의 파일들이 들어있고 BMS에 적용되어있을 경우에 주는 점수입니다. 가급적 위에 있는 것들이 모두 있는 것을 선호하기에 점수를 설정했습니다.
* 내 컬렉션에 넣고 싶은가? ( 0점 )
죄송합니다, 곡의 채보를 별로 좋아하지 않습니다.


▢ Played 5k charts ▢
✦ Music 200/250
- The song is very interesting, very different from what I usually hear!
✦ BGA 200/250
- Interesting concept~
✦ Keysounds 250/250
- Keysounds sound very good!
✦ Charts 200/250
- I like so much the chart, although the judge in "Very Hard" doesn't make me enjoy the song much.

- 曲の展開が独特です
- パターンの完成度が低い

Played Chart : SPA
곡의 전개 자체는 괜찮았지만 BMS에서 플레이하기에 즐거운지 알기 어려우며, 패턴이 밸런스가 맞지 않은 점이 아쉬웠습니다.
제작 수고하셨습니다. (Thank you for your hard work.)

As the team name "数学協会" suggests, the track makeup puts intellectual and scientific impressions at the forefront. This is truly Intelligence Dance Music. Particularly memorable is the Pad sound source, which is soft in tone but heavy in pressure.
I played [5]. In the first half of the chart, it is difficult to clear just because of the low BPM under VERYHARD judgment, but in addition to this, there is no drum sound source to grasp the rhythm except the note sound, and furthermore, as the chart goes to the second half, various chart trends and characteristic difficulty levels are designed to attack me relentlessly with 軸, 縦連, トリル, 壁. I think it is a chart that is worth conquering for VERYHARD lovers. btw I was so bad at it that I only ended up getting beat up lol.
(I use DeepL for translation into English. Please let me know if there are any strange grammatical expressions)

Played 7K HYPER and 7K ANOTHER.
I like the song, it's calming and evolves well. Especially the first half is nice and dreamy.
Personally though I would have considered having more reverb on the percussion to add to the ambience, or just having additional reverbed one-shots. I don't know if it contradicts what you're going for, but IMO the song in general has oddly little reverb for this genre, so I feel the atmosphere is not as well-set as it could be.
The charts felt a little inconsistent. I like the LNs in the second half, but the soflan part just has way less going on then the rest and it's kind of boring as a result. I'm not sure if there'd be other ways to chart it though. Personally I might have liked to have the jacks from the another in the hyper pattern, or maybe just have them as trills or something if that's too hard. Just something more to keep the player's attention.
The final score will be "6 out of 10" (good).
This will use a stricter scoring system compared to previous years.
That's all for now.