黒皇帝 (movie : Cirkass)
LastUpdate : 2017/11/19 23:37
Music information
Download (10/07/2017 01:40 JST: Bass keysound fix) (Bass keysound fix for older package)
(2017年10月07日 01:46 更新)
(2017年10月07日 01:45 更新) Bass keysound fix, charts should now be able to register on LR2IR
function A*(start, goal)
// The set of nodes already evaluated
closedSet := {}
// The set of currently discovered nodes that are not evaluated yet.
// Initially, only the start node is known.
openSet := {start}
// For each node, which node it can most efficiently be reached from.
// If a node can be reached from many nodes, cameFrom will eventually contain the
// most efficient previous step.
cameFrom := the empty map
// For each node, the cost of getting from the start node to that node.
gScore := map with default value of Infinity
// The cost of going from start to start is zero.
gScore[start] := 0
// For each node, the total cost of getting from the start node to the goal
// by passing by that node. That value is partly known, partly heuristic.
fScore := map with default value of Infinity
// For the first node, that value is completely heuristic.
fScore[start] := heuristic_cost_estimate(start, goal)
while openSet is not empty
current := the node in openSet having the lowest fScore[] value
if current = goal
return reconstruct_path(cameFrom, current)
for each neighbor of current
if neighbor in closedSet
continue // Ignore the neighbor which is already evaluated.
if neighbor not in openSet // Discover a new node
// The distance from start to a neighbor
tentative_gScore := gScore[current] + dist_between(current, neighbor)
if tentative_gScore >= gScore[neighbor]
continue // This is not a better path.
// This path is the best until now. Record it!
cameFrom[neighbor] := current
gScore[neighbor] := tentative_gScore
fScore[neighbor] := gScore[neighbor] + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbor, goal)
return failure
function reconstruct_path(cameFrom, current)
total_path := [current]
while current in cameFrom.Keys:
current := cameFrom[current]
return total_path
Music by 黒皇帝
Movie by Cirkass
Pattern by 黒皇帝 and qune
BMS Artist | 黒皇帝 (movie : Cirkass) mail URL | ||
Genre | ART BREAKS | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | Astar | ||
Size | 48000KB | BGA | BGA include・Other |
Level | ★x4〜★xmore | BPM | 192 |
TAG | 7Keys Video-sharing Use-BGA Use-ogg Use-mpeg_movie Gimmick-LongNote Gimmick-Stop Difficulty-intermediate Difficulty-senior |
DownLoadAddress | (10/07/2017 01:40 JST: Bass keysound fix) (Bass keysound fix for older package) |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2017/10/06 02:59 | Last Update | 2017/11/19 23:37 |