Positive Energy
Deadline Hater as D8
LastUpdate : 2020/12/20 23:43
Music information
Download!AodogG7jJNekgQC6u5cZ9pG-YOLl?e=zUIvfP (BGI include - 4 7KEYS patterns - Version 201103: BGI adjusted)
(2020年12月17日 12:21 更新)
[Notes: I want a fair-play world of BMS, so before leaving your impression, please make sure that you have played at least one pattern from the entry before, and I recommend you to tell what pattern you played to make sure. If not, I will automatically confirm that you played the hardest pattern. Thank you for your attention. The following is the introduction of the entry.]
"The only difference between a nice day and a terrible day lies in your attitude"
We - who usually wake up at early morning, enjoy a new day in our different ways, and then go to sleep at night to prepare for another new day ahead, always expect a full-time nice day to live, work, study, and being together with family, friends or the other half of our life. However, not everyone reaches this dream. We should keep our attitudes, even when we (unfortunately) did something wrong that upsets other people. No one in this world has no mistakes. All of us used to be criticized or scolded at least once in the life (I do not mean the criticizing violation like what I am saying in another entry for this event, "Unacceptable Brutality"). But these criticisms provide us with lessons to practice in the society. Therefore, when we are sad, despaired, depressed, worried or stressful, then that means that the Negative Energy has capture of thoughts and controls you. That is not good for our health and morale.
So, keeping our Positive Energy is a good way to control our emotion and attitude. We should keep the Positive Energy in us to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with breakfast every morning before starting a workday with no fear or pressure. Then, love and luck will come to us. That is all what I want to say with this song, "Positive Energy".
"Just live positively, then love and luck will come to us."
だから、私たちのポジティブなエネルギーを保つことは、私たちの感情や態度をコントロールするための良い方法です。私たちは、恐れやプレッシャーを感じずに、毎朝の朝食でお茶やコーヒーを楽しむために、ポジティブなエネルギーを持ち続けなければなりません。そうすれば、愛と運は私たちのところにやってくるでしょう。それがこの曲「Positive Energy」で伝えたいことです。
All patterns:
1. 7KEYS Normal 5
2. 7KEYS Hyper 6
3. 7KEYS Another 9
4. Dream, Happiness, Delight, Love and Luck - 7KEYS Insane 12
Music: FL Studio 12 Demo Edition, iBMSC
Edit: woslicer III
Testplay: LR2beta3 100201, BMIIDXView2015 ver.
BGI/POOR: Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Snip & Sketch Tool
2020-12-17 12:03 GMT+9
Late Trivia/後半のトリビア:
1. The title "Positive Energy" was inspired on Dec. 15, 2019, even before I started my music career. It is also used for the team name/2019年12月15日、音楽活動を始める前から「Positive Energy」というタイトルに触発された. チーム名にも使われている
2. The genre is "Breakbeat", but in Soundcloud, I added "House" in the description, because at the time I uploaded the song in Soundcloud, I did not know whether the song genre is Breakbeat or House, and also, there are some House parts in the song/ジャンルは「Breakbeat」となっていますが、Soundcloudにアップした時点では曲のジャンルがBreakbeatなのかHouseなのかわからなかったのと、曲の中にHouseの部分があるので、説明文に「House」を追加しました
3. Another reason that I made this song is because of BMS players like you. You all gave me confidence, inspiration and enthusiasm for the song. And although I am a free-to-make composer and I am just a first-year, I really want to make some dedication for the BMS Community/この曲を作ったもう一つの理由は、皆さんのようなBMSプレイヤーの皆さんのおかげです。皆さんのおかげで自信がつき、インスピレーションが湧いてきて、この曲にかける情熱が湧いてきました。そして、私は自由に作れる作曲家であり、まだ一年生ですが、本当にBMSコミュニティのために何か貢献したいと思っています\
4. How I made this song: 70% Positive Energy + 20% Attitude + 9% Music + 1% "Koisuru Fortune Cookie" + <0.01% Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism/この曲を作った経緯: 70%のPositive Energy+20%の姿勢+9%の音楽+1%の「恋するフォーチュンクッキー」+<0.01%のマルクス主義とレーニン主義の哲学
BMS Artist | Deadline Hater as D8 URL | ||
Genre | Breakbeat | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | Positive Energy | ||
Size | 103926KB | BGA | BGI only・Self |
Level | ★x5〜★x12 | BPM | 160 |
TAG | 7Keys Use-BGI Gimmick-LongNote Difficulty-beginner Difficulty-intermediate |
DownLoadAddress |!AodogG7jJNekgQC6u5cZ9pG-YOLl?e=zUIvfP (BGI include - 4 7KEYS patterns - Version 201103: BGI adjusted) |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2020/10/29 16:41 | Last Update | 2020/12/20 23:43 |
VOTE Points
(ZIzB6CKQpRaCjCZp0oKR) last 
(rgeGJYS4XyF.xDCZCMJP) Trantech 
(djZg1rk7wZqNRh4lDIJP) 八木唯 
(dPCvAqJMzy4TRkADzMCN) 1/8 
(MuaBIz781qf/FwBOZYJP) 129DCB9 
(CD6BoY0FC8.cti11EgVN) kairos22 
(Bqrl4KNe9ipJISnxVIUS) たあぼう 
(QOF8nU65IlT0rU2gfQJP) Greetea 
(H7g0nx2aa/zEQAwGyUHK) えーえいちぜろ 
(FztFulJ42muBV39sfwJP) Moca 
(CGcYAheE3lj3dMLBXsKR) さんわり 
(tHi4pD0UqO64i8NtsgJP) Black 
(4EnJtYUUrj1JqV1VQcJP) Short Impression

Post Short Impression
Long Impression
Song : 6 / 9
Pattern : 6 / 10 (SPA, SPI)
BGA : 5 / 10
2000년도 중반의 BMS를 듣는 듯한 느낌이 의외로 괜찮았습니다. 이런 느낌이다보니 매번 생각하던 악기의 문제가 오히려 어울리는 느낌도 들었습니다. 괜찮은 곡 구성과 탄탄한 멜로디가 잘 이끌었습니다. 패턴의 경우에는 패턴의 구성이 미묘하게 치기 불편하게 구성된 것이 아쉬웠습니다.
제작 수고하셨습니다!
Played pattern: A
Music: 5.0/7.0
Pattern: 4.0/7.0
Keysound Objects: 5.0/7.0
Others: 1.0 (Base file (+1))
Total points: 15.0
Final PTS: 6.43 (B-)
Comments: 곡이 BMS 초창기의 해피 하드코어 느낌이 나서 괜찮았습니다. 패턴은 제목과 상반되는 엄격한 판정으로 난이도가 상당히 높지만, 완급조절이 있고 곡의 다양한 음을 연주해서 나름 괜찮습니다. 다만 순간발광이 많이 강하기 때문에 이를 다듬으면 더 즐거운 패턴이 될 것입니다.
제작 수고하셨습니다! (Thank you for your hard work.)
(Using Google Translate/Google 번역 사용)
나는 당신이 fsrs가 아니라는 것을 방금 깨달았습니다.
이 항목을 즐겨 주셔서 정말 기쁩니다. 정말 행복합니다. 사실 이번 행사에 참여한 작곡가의 90 % 이상은 경험이없는 것 같아 누구의 랭킹에 속할 수 있다고 생각하지도 않았다. 그리고 예, 재료와 정제가 모두 부족하여 향후 프로젝트에서 개선 할 것입니다. 이 항목에 대한 귀하의 인상에 대해 제가 말하고 싶은 전부입니다.
대단히 감사합니다. 당신의 플레이와 감동은 대단히 감사하겠습니다. 그리고 Positive Energy가 당신의 것입니다.

曲の方は音色のチープさこそ感じますが極端な破綻もなく、自分の中でのDeadline Haterさんへの評価を少し上方修正しました。

[Dream, Happiness, Delight, Love and Luck] Somehow the song+chart combo slightly reminded me of ABE3.
The chart works surprisingly well with HARD judge too.
Overall the arrangement has this sort of "dry" feeling that I think doesn't work well for this kind of music. A more elaborate usage of reverb/convolution and perhaps delay alleviates that.
But even without that, there are times, notably during the chorus, where the song feels empty from a mixing/composition point of view. In particular the drums feel like they don't fill as much space as they should and should be pushed up in the mix (the treble only ever seems to be filled by the 909 hat for instance so there's a significant difference between how the first part and the second part of the chorus feel), and something like a subtle arpeggio that follows the chords and perhaps harmonies below the melody line could have helped a lot I think.
Like tami said there's still more distance to cover but looking back at your past works and this I think you've demonstrated your ability to walk that distance. Keep at it.
I am so sorry for the mistake and lack of mixing/composition point of view of this song. Unlike other composer, I have to discover everything about music composing work by myself. There are no assist here. Therefore, it is definitely normal to me that I will need improvement for future works....
Anyway, thank you very much for your play, opinion and impression. I strongly appreciate that. And I wish you positive!
P/s: Could you tell me what ABE3 is?
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(Played N, H)
Nice positive song! I didn't think you can also create these kind of cheerful music. It made me feel positive, and thought that it will give me courage when I feel depressed. I liked the Normal pattern as the key sounds were standing out and playing performance was nice, and it was fun for me. Hyper level 6 seemed to be much more difficult than 6 (probably 8 or 9?). Though, I thought the work was overall nice, and I'm hoping that you can keep up the great work!
Hello mots! I am terribly sorry for not replying to you for such a long time (about 2 weeks?).
First of all, thank you very much for your play and impressions. I truly appreciate it!
Second, I hope that those saying would be true, because it would make me feel like I can spread the positivity for everyone (like what other people are doing). But it they were not true, it is still OK, because I could control my Positive Energy.
And finally, this was not the first time I made a cheerful song. The first one is a quite terrible original version of "Đây chỉ là một bản nhạc bình thường có tựa đề rất dài và được viết bằng tiếng Việt" (the translation is available in the original and the BOFXVI versions).
Anyway, thank you again for your impression, and I wish you positive!

very positive, but there is a long way to go.
default 750/750
music 40/100
chart 55/100
movie 10/50
total 855/1000
You have made my day! Thank you so much!