Ricci Flow
BilliumMoto (Grigori Poincaré) (movie : Alan Turing)
LastUpdate : 2020/12/20 22:05
Music information
(2020年10月23日 08:52 更新)
(2020年10月22日 02:17 更新)
A lack of emotions. Feel like a robot. Things are happening all around you, but nothing can touch your soul. You can't understand why you feel that way. But you're still here. And it's still you.
Team | π/26 | ||
BMS Artist | BilliumMoto (Grigori Poincaré) (movie : Alan Turing) URL | ||
Genre | Ricci Flow | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | Hypersurface | ||
Size | 79863KB | BGA | BGA include・Other |
Level | ★x3〜★x22 | BPM | 170 |
TAG | 7Keys Video-sharing Use-BGA Use-ogg Use-mpeg_movie Difficulty-beginner Difficulty-intermediate Difficulty-senior Difficulty-craziness Difficulty-gorilla |
DownLoadAddress | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DpJvRwhoDZh4knRkF7aMhayBwvcltthW/view?usp=sharing |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2020/10/22 00:03 | Last Update | 2020/12/20 22:05 |
VOTE Points
(Bqrl4KNe9ipJISnxVIUS)name nothing
(uuMxTeR7QVLq3.Rl8wKR)Short Impression
Post Short Impression
Long Impression
Played pattern: A
Music: 3.0/7.0
Pattern: 2.5/7.0
Keysound Objects: 7.0/7.0
Others: 0.0
Total points: 12.5
Final PTS: 5.16 (C)
Comments: 전체적인 음색의 선정이 멜로디와 드럼비트와 어울리지 못한 것 같습니다. 패턴의 경우 초반은 난타의 모양이 정돈되지 않은 느낌이고, 후반부터 시작되는 미세연타는 속도도 빠르고 여러 겹으로 나올 때는 감정과잉이라는 생각도 들었습니다. 또한, 스크래치의 활용도 적절하지 못했다고 생각합니다.
제작 수고하셨습니다! (Thank you for your hard work.)
Song : 4 / 9
Pattern : 6 / 10 (SP MX, SP SC)
BGA : 6 / 10
우선 솔직히 말을 하자면, 이 곡의 난해함이 현재까지 중에서는 저에게 가장 난해했다고 생각합니다. 멜로디가 분명 존재하는데, 어떤 식으로 전개되는지 잘 이해하기 힘들었던 곡이었습니다. 박자의 엇박이 마치 II-L씨처럼 정박을 절묘하게 피하는 엄청 난해한 박자인 것도 난해함을 더 부추겼다고 생각이 드는 것 같습니다. 저만 이해하지 못했을 수도 있지만, 그 난해함이 저에게 좋은 작품인가? 하는 쪽으로는 크게 다가오지 못한 것 같습니다. 제작 수고하셨습니다!
Played chart : ☆11(NORMAL)
I found out who you are in the first sound lol.
I like how you've been able to build a melody that's memorable despite the complexity of the beat. Above all, it is very important to leave a lasting impression.
It felt like a waste to end with filtered breakbeats. It didn't feel right that the BGA also ended with the inexplicable destruction of the robot. It would have been even better if they would have included more exciting developments after that.
Music: 859/1000
Movie: 896/1000
Pattern (7KEYS NORMAL): 877/1000
Overall: 873.7/1000
Thank you for your work.
wouldn't it be okay to use more ordinary sounds? and i don't know why you used jacks(double or more clicks) that much.
default 750/750
music 55/100
chart 50/100
movie 25/50
total 880/1000
The song and BGA are, well, extremely good. Flashy metallic 3D BGAs are pretty common in BMS, but this one stands out well with its narrative. The robot itself is cute, and I was impressed by how good its model looked during the close-ups. I love the glitchy, misty aesthetic too.
Musically, the entry is one of my favorites. I think the song has a strong emotional impact, the tone of the song feeling emotionally "lost" in a sense. Particularly I like 1:24, the lead melody and chords there are very catchy and it feels like a sudden strong shift from everything in the song previously and it works very well. Also I love how unique and metallic the various plucks and leads sound, and all the juke sections are very cool with their eccentric rhythms. Because of the weird time signatures and textures, the song stands out as really unique to me.
I played the 7K hyper pattern. It's a great jack chart but might be annoying for some people? I can't pass it but I had fun playing it.
Overall it's a great BMS with some seriously high-level presentation and I'm hoping it doesn't go overlooked.