TEAM : Euphoria Guru
Chill-Out Techno
Strange Night
Heinz Schweers (movie : Frank)
LastUpdate : 2022/12/12 15:24
Music information
Download (ogg files - fixed issue with ogg codec. Sorry for the inconvenience) (wav files)
(2022年09月30日 01:20 更新)
(2022年09月30日 00:53 更新)
Fixed issue with ogg codec. Sorry for the inconvenience
(2022年09月26日 22:26 更新)
Sorry, Currently have some sound issue with LR2 when you play ogg version. We are checking the reason of problem. Meanwhile please play wav version. Many thanks.
(2022年09月22日 23:07 更新)
Hi, We are Euphoria Guru from Sydney, Australia.
Composer: Heinz Schweers
Singer: Jessica O'Donoghue
Sound Engineer and Designer: Kieren Bird
Video Designer: Frank
Team | Euphoria Guru | ||
BMS Artist | Heinz Schweers (movie : Frank) URL | ||
Genre | Chill-Out Techno | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | Strange Night | ||
Size | 121898KB | BGA | BGA include・Self |
Level | ★x2〜★x42 | BPM | 160 |
TAG | 7Keys 14Keys 5Keys 9Keys Video-sharing Use-BGA Use-mpeg_movie |
DownLoadAddress | (ogg files - fixed issue with ogg codec. Sorry for the inconvenience) (wav files) |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2022/09/22 23:02 | Last Update | 2022/12/12 15:24 |
VOTE Points
(1tEY8QROQsE0iGPMb2JP) 結。 
(rYumPFVRzzPi2BHvtkJP) Moca 
(MAOgVncY3lj3dMLBXsKR) Yuri 
(OZMdHBzIrgETupdtzsCN) 狐悠 
(k1qyntSyOd4OLCPV.MJP) xion 
(BHCdMtC8SFhqt.YpaAJP) maayamase 
(kzKW2IP4AFsUGGHPEYUS) babyzionov 
(f8YUALHqiMRbli/4fMNZ) yukitani 
(50Nz3mRoL04ZZxMp/IJP) えーえいちぜろ 
(FztFulJ42muBV39sfwJP) 髭姫 
(IGEkEYrUpXc9xufXQkJP) NinKell 
(QfV8flvfYV43WIoMfgKR) lo-fi 
(lLlkn2G4KHl0Ysd0WoKR) Echa◆pK8Cp61cxk 
(qnTLTh5EdQAGKgivyMSE) Short Impression

Post Short Impression
Long Impression

Played 7K ANOTHER.
Personally the strongest of the 3 Euphoria Guru songs this year, it feels the most unique and evocative. It manages to sound slow-paced while still having a lot of 16th notes, which is interesting and made me wonder if gameplay factored into the songwriting process at all? The genre "Chill-Out Techno" seems like a misnomer but I also wondered if the idea of the song being techno lead to the use of "synth-like" midi patches. In any case I enjoyed the mysterious songwriting and all the 16th note flourishes from a wide variety of instruments.
I think it's odd how loud the snare is compared to everything else though. It sounds out of place whenever it pops up.
The final score will be "6 out of 10" (good).
This will use a stricter scoring system compared to previous years.
That's all for now.

Thank you for playing and Impressions.

やはり作家さん特有の色が今年も明らかになりました。 2年ぶりですか? いつ聞いても違和感のない音楽構成が印象深かったです。
パターンの場合、大きな問題はありませんでした。 9K Normal(42)もパターン難易度自体は合っているので問題はありませんが、9K慣習上 Normalの場合、普通難易度 39を越えない傾向があります。 その場合は、Hyperに入れてもよかったのではないかと個人的に思います。

플레이 및 임프레션 감사합니다. 또한 PMS 관련 난이도 시스템에 대한 좋은 어드바이스 감사합니다. 원래는 조금 더 어려운 채보를 넣을까 생각하다가 넣지 않은 것의 잔재입니다만, Hyper로 설정하는게 확실히 더 나았을 것 같습니다.

I enjoyed SPA-A+/5K/DP/PMS charts.
Great singing...! I'm lucky to enjoy this piece together with "The Photons of Music".
I felt as if my whole body was bathed in the wide range of Jessica-san's expressive power, not limited to singing ability.
While the mood is fantastical late at night, like a nocturne, there is also a sense of witchcraft, like the witch in Snow White.
I'm not good at listening to lyrics (because Im JP), but the lyrics of this song were easy to understand during the performance. Especially, the rhyming words such as "stranger" and "danger" with their peculiar accents were easy to hear and created a more bewitching seduction.
In BGA, it has the same shooting style as "The Photons of Music," but the interplay with the moon motif gives it even more depth. In particular, the scene where the moon highlights overlap with the aforementioned word play was a very lingering expression.
Personally, Jessica-san's dignified expression as she fades out of the last song is the kind of awareness that professionals put into their singing expression, and it's just so cool.
In the music, the occasional two-bass drum had an odd presence, and I must confess that I felt very uncomfortable at first because I had never thought of this combination for this type of music.
However, I got used to it in the latter half of the song, and when the melody interval becomes wider around #061-, the sound of a very scary sound is heard in the background. I guess could call it surrealism, having a single shot sequence playing in the background with a very scary sound playing in the background. It leads to a creepy atmosphere, like wandering in the dark, frightened by invisible gazes, yes, it means that it became my favorite expression in the end. (But there aren't that many key sounds on the drums themselves, and the rhythm work isn't very atmospheric, so what if it is simply a arrange/mixing problem? I have a feeling that this is the case.)
Regarding the PMS chart, I feel that it is the successor to Island of Blue. I think it is a very well-designed chart for this level of design, with improvements in areas that I felt were missed at the time. The mixed-phrase of #017- #055- is very rhythmic and enjoyable. I especially like #045-, which is tricky because of the complex interplay of alternating and non-alternating strokes. #TOTAL has been optimized to make a good to challenge.
If the nuances of the drums are similar to what I felt, I may be able to prepare a difficult section that focuses on the drums as much as possible, making use of long trill placements that do not move lanes, jack notes, etc.
*Please note that priority given to scoring and long impressions on containing PMS. Sorry for Wall of Text. Thanks for your production! (DeepL)

Thank you for really long and detailed impression, Portion-san.
It seems like Heinz wants to reply to your impression. We will post it later :)

The Strange Night lyrics were written in about twenty minutes, my inspiration was "In the Still of the Night" and "Night and Day" and other classic songs. I wanted to create a twenty first century version of songs that speak about love in the night: mystery, feeling, sensuality. I used the cross rhythms to give the song an unsettling feeling; is the piece in 3 or is it in 4? The bass was deliberately prominent in the texture to give the song an earthy animal feel as the singer falls down (or up!) not knowing direction any more, when desire overcomes all earthly forces.

音乐: 210/300
谱面: 275/300
演出: 170/200
新手友好度: 175/200

感谢您播放我们的条目。 我们为杰西卡的声音感到非常自豪。 我很高兴听到你喜欢她的声音!
(Translated by Google)

- 曲の展開が独特です
- 退屈な曲展開

플레이 감사합니다. 전곡 순회하시면서 손에 무리가 많이 안가셨으면 좋겠네요. 저도 순회를 하는데 생각보다 노력이 많이 필요한 일이더라고요..

そしてやっぱりボーカルが今回もいい感じですね!! Jessicaさんの声がよく通っていますし、綺麗な歌声だからこそこの曲の幻想感を更に高めているように思いました!

プレイとインプレありがとうございます。 一度だけ参加したのに覚えてくださってありがとうございます。 ボーカルのJessicaさんは私たちも誇りに思っています。 譜面はフィードバックがかなり役立ったと思います。
(Translated by Google)

SP HYPER 플레이했습니다. 무난히 즐기기 좋았던 것 같네요.
사운드는 꽤나 옛날 느낌이 나는데 보컬 분의 실력이라든지 곡의 구성에서 전문가의 느낌이 납니다. 곡 분위기와 가사도 어두운 만큼 다른 악기 구성을 활용했어도 좋았을 것 같네요, 여태까지 너무 노력이 많이 들어가는 키음 추출 방식을 쓰고 계셨던데 이제는 최선의 방법을 알게 되신 만큼 만약 다음에 BMS를 만드실 일이 있다면 그런 식의 시도를 해보셨으면 해요. 좋은 작품 감사합니다!

플레이 감사합니다. 곡에 관련해서는 저는 작곡가가 아니라서 답변은 드리지 못하겠네요. 하지만 Heinz에게 피드백을 전달하겠습니다. 보컬인 Jessica O'Donoghue님은 현업 가수이신 만큼 실력 하나는 보장된 분이라고 자신합니다. 키음 관련은 Ju_E님이 도와드려서 좋은 추출 방식이 있다는 걸 알게 되었네요. Euphoria Guru 팀으로 활동하지 않더라도 BMS를 만들 기회가 생긴다면 알려주신 추출 방식을 잘 활용하겠습니다.

Played Chart : SPA
초반 키음 검수가 부족했던게 정말 아쉬웠습니다. 전작보다 훨씬 진일보한 퀄리티였습니다. 채보 또한 좋았습니다. 이번 작품이 마지막이라 들었는데 정말 아쉽습니다.
제작 수고하셨습니다. (Thank you for your hard work.)

플레이 감사합니다. 저번과 달리 이번은 드럼 사운드를 키음으로 사용할 수 있어서 채보가 더 나아진 것 같습니다. 활동 중단은 안타깝게도 여러 사정이 있었습니다. 저는 Heinz의 결정을 따르니 Heinz가 다시 참가하고 싶어한다면 다시 하겠지만 이유가 이유이다보니 이번이 사실상 마지막이 될 것 같습니다.

▢ Played 5k chart ▢
✦ Music 200/250
- I love the girl's voice, it's really amazing!
✦ BGA 150/250
- It's interesting to see what was made when they recorded the song.
✦ Keysounds 250/250
- The BMS bases are very well done.
✦ Charts 200/250
- Very comfortable to play the chart, it is excellent!

Hey, Aspid Cat.
Our Vocal Jessica is a professional singer. She will ba happy to hear that you liked her voice :)
Also, I am happy to hear that you enjoyed 5K chart. About BGA, there's a behind story. I didn't intend to put Jessica's singing at first because of some reasons(We got some bad comments about our singer's appearance last time and that made me really sad. Thankfully Debra didn't see the comment.), but Heinz told me "Jessica has nice face. You can use her singing on your video.". So, I decided put her singing video into the video.
Thank you for the impression and feedback.