Outer Waves
LastUpdate : 2021/12/26 23:07
Late Night Underground チームプロフィール
Music information
(2021年11月11日 11:59 更新)
Team | Late Night Underground | ||
BMS Artist | Hyparpax URL | ||
Genre | DARK TECH HOUSE | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | Outer Waves | ||
Size | 30745KB | BGA | BGA include・Self |
Level | ★x4〜★x9 | BPM | 122 |
TAG | 7Keys ----- |
DownLoadAddress | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nASja5ZgFcLY30MawxXy7g4wPh958QtV/view?usp=sharing |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2021/11/06 18:03 | Last Update | 2021/12/26 23:07 |
VOTE Points
(hFi2BxUm3KFga0PatwDE) かんざきしおん 
(4M9P31fmVz759YEYE.JP) TKDK. 
(2YdIiQU3qthzqluGwgJP) xion 
(enGqdq47fqX1OpXVWgJP) Latte 
(08rt0tLy3lj3dMLBXsKR) miro 
(AHVCf5VS.GpW8gHo5YJP) Schuld 
(dog25Ek8daypuzG6DEKR) STANK! 
(RjYdYxDaDgrB43GWqEJP) えーえいちぜろ 
(FztFulJ42muBV39sfwJP) A 
(Mbuj4zukKHl0Ysd0WoKR) Black 
(LSlMWWE4SoDe.mdOGIJP) Short Impression

Post Short Impression
Long Impression

The dark atmosphere is great! I certainly won't be playing this at night...
Also thank you for the low level chart!

Song: 11 / 20
Pattern: 11 / 20
Comment: 곡의 어두운 느낌이 작곡가 본연의 연출과 잘 어울리는 것은 좋으나, 기묘하게도 기존곡과는 다르게 불호의 영역이 일부 있었음.
해당 평가는 최초 등록 직후의 파일로 평가되었습니다. 제작 수고하셨습니다!

Played pattern: A7
Music: 4.5/7.0
Pattern: 4.5/7.0
Keysound Objects: 4.5/7.0
Others: 1.0 ((1.0) base file)
Total points: 14.5
Final PTS: 6.14 (B-)
Comments: 사용된 음들은 흥미롭지만 극도로 절제된 멜로디로 2분 넘게 퍼커션으로만 전개하는 건 BMS로서 조금 지루할 수 있다.
제작 수고하셨습니다. (Thank you for your hard work.)

Good song! I enjoyed it. I don't have time to write a detailed comment before the deadline. If you would like more detailed feedback, please contact me privately!

Sooo cool music!!! I really liked it.
Percussive sounds and deep dark synth sounds are so cool and pleasant.
I was enchanted by the dark atmosphere.
☆7 chart was fun and I enjoyed it.

Music: 353/405
Movie: 215/225
Pattern: 258/270
Played: 7K ANOTHER
Overall: 926/1000 (Music + Movie + Pattern + Basic Score (100 points))
Thank you for your hard work.

Cool Track. Thank you for making nice BMS.

- While Rin-Rin-chan continues to play the main character as in the previous BOF, this time the tempo is calmer and darker than the previous one.
- First and foremost, the depth of sound from the dub synth is pleasant to listen to.
- I played ☆9, which is a 4 on the floar club music with subtly misaligned notes placed in a precise manner, making it possible to play with a sense of tension even though it is ☆9. I wonder what will happen if we make this RANK even harder...

ダークなJamie xxとでも言うべきでしょうか。

Thank you for your impression.
To be honest I have not heard Jamie xx's work until now (I will listen to his album after sending this).
I wanted to try making ambient garage like Burial,
but because my personality is a certain way the atmosphere ends up different.