Choke music
LiGaYb (LiGaYb) (movie : LiGaYb)
LastUpdate : 2022/12/21 13:14
Summerf Dreamf Travelersf チームプロフィール
Music information
(2022年11月18日 13:11 更新)
>Since you hear tons of hardcore and fast music in music games, I intentionally made a song which is light and relax to listen to. This is my initial consideration to make this.( ̄▽ ̄)
>Something About "Choke"
Hello, this is the creator of "Choke", LiGaYb.(´・ω・`) Here're some tips about "Choke".
>The BMS includes 9 charts, including 3 different stages.
Stage1>>"Choke - Unchoke -" includes Normal 3, Hyper 7 and Another 11.(Advised to play)
It is fluent and does not include stop in song and playing.
This version of song is named as "Choke(Unchoke ver.)" on music platforms.
Stage2>>"Choke" includes Normal 3, Hyper 7 and Another 11.(Advised to play)
It is the original version of music, and there are stops in songs and BMS.
This version of song is named as "Choke" on music platforms.
Stage3>>"Choke - Lung Cancer" includes Normal 55, Hyper 77 and Another 99.
The music is the original version including stops. BMS includes stops at every key.
When playing this stage, please change HI-SPEED to 100 or a bit lower, or it will be unable to see the keys clearly.
It might be a bit slower than the song should be because it uses many stops with interval bpm=65535.9999 bars.
>Although it is marked as bpm=210 and "Choke Music", it seems to be bpm=105 and a light music with some tropical house style.
Thank you for playing and don't forget to give an impression!╭( ̄▽ ̄)╯
Team | Summerf Dreamf Travelersf | ||
BMS Artist | LiGaYb (LiGaYb) (movie : LiGaYb) URL | ||
Genre | Choke music | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | Choke | ||
Size | 60906KB | BGA | BGA include・Self |
Level | ★x3〜★x99 | BPM | 210 |
TAG | 7Keys Use-BGA Use-ogg Use-wmv_movie Gimmick-LongNote Difficulty-beginner Difficulty-intermediate Difficulty-senior Difficulty-kusofumen |
DownLoadAddress |!AlcsX8Nu7AhKfa21opjk1KWPEy4?e=trxjkM |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2022/10/14 23:02 | Last Update | 2022/12/21 13:14 |
VOTE Points
(LSlMWWE4GxZYu.FXWkJP)Short Impression
Post Short Impression
Long Impression
Played 7KEYS HYPER in Choke and Unchoke version.
The music is not bad, I feel the story even when playing without BGA. The BGA is somewhat hilarious.
But the main problem is about the BMS, I don't know if other people pointed it in their impressions yet, but even if they did so, I will point that out again.
Although the music is good, it seems like you "copied" the sound file from the background area to the play area without deleting the sound files at the background area? I think this mistake was made on every BMS in this entry. Perhaps it's your intention to send some real chokes to BMS players? :)
The good thing about the BMS on Choke version, though, is the STOP gimmick is quite predictable, which does not make the BMS itself hard for players. The Unchoke version is just a normal version so I have no complaint about that. I also tried 7KEYS HYPER on the Lung Cancer version, but I did not complete it, and it is also because it's more like a SABUN chart, so I will not comment about that version, yet it still almost gave me "Lung Cancer" for real. (^_^);
That is all I have to say. Keep up the good work, you can learn more things about BMS from the impressions players gave to you.
Thank you for your hard work.
(Forgive me if it was not the latest version. I downloaded the very first version of the entry)
LUXURY has mentioned that. That's because if there only exists one track of marimba, I couldn't write a harder BMS with my BMS writing level, so I cut marimba in half. That do cause strange feelings when playing._(:з」∠)_
총 점수 : 600점
제작 수고하셨습니다.
* 음악 ( 총 225점 )
음악 자체는 개인적으로 멜로디가 좋았고, 가벼운 느낌이 딱인 분위기의 곡이라 마음에 들었습니다만, 멜로디를 거의 반복하는 방식의 곡 전개이다보니 약간 지루했습니다.
곡의 경우 Unchoke 버전은 위의 감상이 전부였지만 일반 버전의 경우는 중간에 곡을 끊고 다시 진행하는 구조인데 개인적으로 이게 오히려 곡에 특색을 부여하기보다는 곡의 흐름을 깨뜨렸다고 생각했습니다.
* 채보 ( 총 150점 )
* 채보의 개인적인 재미 ( 50점 )
* 채보가 최소 한 키에 3종류 이상 ( 50점 )
* 플레이 가능한 키 종류가 2/3종류 이상 ( X )
* 가장 낮은 레벨의 채보가 5 이하 ( 50점 )
플레이한 채보 : SPA (Choke, Unchoke)
일단 채보는 두개 모두 음계를 완전히 무시한 배치로 인해 연주감이 거의 없었습니다. 또한 일부 마림바 키음들의 경우는 플레이어블 키음으로도 있는데 배경에도 동일한 키음이 같은 줄에 있어서 키음을 조금이라도 다른 타이밍에 연주하면 끊겨서 들린다는 점이 아쉬웠습니다. 또한 다른 면에서는 그 마림바 키음을 연주하지 않아도 마림바 키음이 재생되기에 이 부분도 연주감을 해쳤습니다.
* BGA (총 100점 )
BGA는 곡의 귀여운 분위기와 잘 맞았던 것 같습니다.
* BMS 구성 ( 총 50점 )
* 아이캐치 ( X )
* 프리뷰 ( X )
* BackBMP ( X )
* 배너 ( X )
* 리드미 파일 ( 25점 )
* 빈 BMS 파일 ( X )
* BGA를 제외한 용량이 100MB 이하 ( 25점 )
BMS 구성은 위의 파일들이 들어있고 BMS에 적용되어있을 경우에 주는 점수입니다. 가급적 위에 있는 것들이 모두 있는 것을 선호하기에 점수를 설정했습니다.
* 내 컬렉션에 넣고 싶은가? ( 75점 )
곡은 반복적이었지만 그래도 분위기가 좋았습니다. 채보는 매우 아쉬웠습니다만, 작곡가분이 K를 수정한 적이 있는 것으로 보아 현재 있는 채보의 문제점을 개선할 채보가 나올 것이라고 기대하기에 일단은 컬렉션에 넣을 생각입니다.
Played - unchoke -.
Due to the high amount of patterns I thought it would be a foon BMS but it wasn't. The song is simply produced but still kind of cute? Like most of the artist's works it seems muddy in the lower mid range which seems to be a problem on the arrangement side as well as mixing. So I'd like to see some more thought put into that.
The final score will be "3 out of 10".
This will use a stricter scoring system compared to previous years.
That's all for now.
音乐: 260/300
谱面: 250/300
演出: 160/200
新手友好度: 160/200
まずBGAが収録されていないにもかかわらず、会場の"mov:"が記載されていますね。 この場合はBGAがありませんので、該当欄には空けておくことをお勧めします。 誰もBGAを作っていませんから。
一方、パターンの場合、"トラップ"を中心に組まれていますね。 もちろん "Unchoke"パターンで軽く楽しむ方のためのパターンがあり、"Lung Cancer"パターンでより辛さを好む方のためのパターンを作ったという点は幸いですが、基本的に7Kではメロディーに合った配置をしていただかないとプレイに困難はありません。 ほとんどSDVX系ではメロディー展開を無視せざるを得ない状況が発生したりしますが、7Kはある程度メロディー展開に合わせることができるので、現在のパターンではあまり楽しさを感じないと思います。
Impression is invalidity...
Played Chart : SPA
곡의 지루하고 반복적인 전개와 음계가 맞지 않는 패턴, 키음 복사 배치로 인한 키음 끊김이 연주감을 나쁘게 했고, 불필요해보이는 기믹으로 인해 플레이에 어려움을 겪었습니다.
제작 수고하셨습니다. (Thank you for your hard work.)
- 譜面が曲とよく似合う
- 譜面が曲を生かせなかった
- キー音の数が少ない
- 音階が正しくない
- 単調な曲の展開
- キー音とBGMの音量のバランスが取られていない。
- 演奏感のないキー音の割り当てとノーツの配置
- 一部のキー音が聞こえない
( ̄▽ ̄)It is true that key sounds are few, causing it difficult to write the BMS, so I cut the marimba in half. It may be somehow strange when there only exist one of them to tap.