Melodic Bass
AAswordsman (movie : ShooTinGStaR)
LastUpdate : 2022/12/12 15:24
Music information
For Chinese:
(2022年11月10日 00:22 更新)
Gazing at sky,the future is still nothing
Expecting We Looking forward —— But confusing.
Okey. Just Exploring and struggling.
It's a starting.
Team | Dream Band | ||
BMS Artist | AAswordsman (movie : ShooTinGStaR) URL | ||
Genre | Melodic Bass | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | GazingAtSky | ||
Size | 136567KB | BGA | BGA include・Other |
Level | ★x5〜★x11 | BPM | 137 |
TAG | 7Keys 14Keys 5Keys Audition-Sound Video-sharing Use-BGA Use-ogg Use-wmv_movie Difficulty-intermediate |
DownLoadAddress | For Chinese: |
製作環境 | Caustic 3.2.0 |
Regist Time | 2022/09/22 23:04 | Last Update | 2022/12/12 15:24 |
VOTE Points
(GbvMlxyfL.i3Z9FgCgJP)Daniel Rotwind◆..f0IHKdBe.C
(d2EwiLtCoj3V4dxCD6CN)Short Impression
Post Short Impression
Long Impression
Played 7K ANOTHER.
Suffers from various problems I usually associate with newishness at producing - lead instruments and drums not stand out enough over chords (in this case choir), some chord choices do not sound satisfying, repetitive usage of drum sample (the ride), etc. I think the texture of the lead is cool, but in general I think the song needs quite a bit of work?
The final score will be "2 out of 10".
This will use a stricter scoring system compared to previous years.
That's all for now.
まずSP Hyper_fix(9)の場合は #BMP01 定義を誤ってBGAが出ませんでした。
SP Another(11)の場合は #PLAYER3(ダブル)に設定し、実際にプレイする場合はダブルフレームで表示されます。 これが実際には7Kでもね。
9Kでは共通して無理配置が見えました。 実家ではボタンの大きさや間隔が思ったより広いため、1469のような同時打ちは入れられません。 問題は、この作品で同時打ち区間に実家ではプレイできないパターンがありました。 実際のプレイを考えると残念な部分でしたし、その他にも難易度の場合Hyper(27)は31-33、Another(39)は44-45程度とみています。
I enjoyed SPA/5K/PMS charts. (Played 2022/10/4 version, please note that comments may be duplicated for files fixed in later update.)
It is a very grand work, perhaps in three parts, with images of the dawn unfolding in accordance with the EDM structure.
It was hot and exciting, with a quiet, star-filled sky, then the horizon brightening (chorus), and finally "Trance" in the literal sense of the word.
#039- is my especially favorite atmosphere. The guitar launches the image of the wild sun, and it's great as a buildup.
However, I felt that some of the HiHat seemed to float out of the atmosphere. The rhythm feels more like a melody or humming nuance than percussion.
The last part is interesting from a game point of view, but the process to get there seems a bit redundant and the center of gravity of the chart is skewed toward the second half.
Although the BGA fits the image of the intro part very well, I had the impression that it did not follow the change of tune somewhat.
It might be better to compose the entire image in such a way that it transitions from cold to warm colors so that the audience can sense the atmosphere even from the sidelines of the play.
It was great to have a variety of banner files available for different levels of difficulty.
Regarding the chart, first and foremost, thank you for producing the PMS chart.
EX #069- I really enjoyed the stair placement. As for game balance, it might be better to put an arpeggio in the middle as well, like in SPA. If the placement can be alternated between both hands, I don't think the climax and difficulty would be reversed.
The gimmick sof-lan is a stumbling block until you get used to it, but I think it is very useful to impress the composition of the piece. How about repeating the placement of the bells, albeit a bit more difficult?
There were some physically impossible codes placed in the PMS-H,EX chart. Check tool: ttp:// *PMS Mistake Checker
SPA had well placed mixed-phrase and a good balance of crispness and difficulty; the length of the LN may be a bit counter-intuitive?
It is bit unfortunate that the guitar and other sounds that I would like to play in the BGM notes are pretty much integrated. Also, please be aware that if sound file is longer than 1 minute, it will not be able to register it in the LR2 internet ranking.
*Please note that priority given to scoring and long impressions on containing PMS. Sorry for Wall of Text. Thanks for your production! (DeepL)
音乐: 250/300
谱面: 260/300
演出: 160/200
新手友好度: 140/200
총 점수 : 925점
제작 수고하셨습니다.
* 음악 ( 총 275점 )
전개는 나름 잘 되어있으나 두번째 부분은 너무 반복적이라는 인상을 받았습니다. 첫 부분의 분위기는 정말 마음에 들었습니다.
멜로디는 나쁘지 않았으나 위의 반복적이라는 인상으로 인해 약간 지루하다는 느낌도 받았습니다.
* 채보 ( 총 325점 )
* 채보의 개인적인 재미 ( 175점 )
* 채보가 최소 한 키에 3종류 이상 ( 50점 )
* 플레이 가능한 키 종류가 3종류 이상 ( 50점 )
* 가장 낮은 레벨의 채보가 5 이하 ( 50점 )
플레이한 채보 : SPA
초반은 상당히 지루했습니다. 음계가 안맞는 부분도 많았고 치는 맛이 별로 나지 않았습니다. 후반부 채보는 마음에 들었습니다. 각기 다른 길이의 롱노트를 적절히 배치해서 치는 재미도 올렸지만 짧은 롱노트의 경우는 굳이 롱노트로 해야 했을지는 모르겠네요.
* BGA (총 100점 )
곡에서 나타내려던 주제를 잘 나타낸 것 같습니다. 스테이지 파일과는 이질감이 심하기긴 하지만요.
* BMS 구성 ( 총 150점 )
* 아이캐치 ( 25점 )
* 프리뷰 ( X )
* BackBMP ( 25점 )
* 배너 ( 25점 )
* 리드미 파일 ( 25점 )
* 빈 BMS 파일 ( 25점 )
* BGA를 제외한 용량이 100MB 이하 ( 25점 )
BMS 구성은 위의 파일들이 들어있고 BMS에 적용되어있을 경우에 주는 점수입니다. 가급적 위에 있는 것들이 모두 있는 것을 선호하기에 점수를 설정했습니다.
프리뷰는 preview.wav로 지정해놓았으나 정작 파일은 preview.ogg라서 제 비토라자에서 실행되지 않았습니다.
* 내 컬렉션에 넣고 싶은가? ( 75점 )
아쉬운 점이 어느정도 있긴 했지만 그래도 이정도면 좋다고 봅니다. 특히 개인적으로 처음 부분의 분위기가 마음에 들었습니다.
- 退屈な曲展開
- 反復的な曲展開
Played Chart : 5key
곡의 전개가 지루하였고 BGA 이슈가 있어 플레이 경험을 방해해 아쉬웠습니다.
제작 수고하셨습니다. (Thank you for your hard work.)
Thank you very much for your comments!
▢ Played 5k chart ▢
✦ Music 150/250
- It sounds a bit empty the song at first, but in the middle it sounds great!
✦ BGA 250/250
- I loved the BGA, it looks very modern.
✦ Keysounds 100/250
- There are many problems with the sounds of the keysounds and it's strange even in "autoplay".
✦ Charts 200/250
- Honestly, I couldn't enjoy the chart because of the way the keysounds are heard, but looks good.
Thank you very much for your comments! To be honest, there were many problems with the keysound of this song at the beginning (the first time the musician tried to make it), but we solved many problems. However, this is our first time to participate, and there are still many areas that need to be improved.