TEAM : Euphoria Guru
Pop Opera
The Photons of Music
Heinz Schweers (movie : Frank)
LastUpdate : 2022/12/12 15:24
Music information
Download (ogg files - fixed issue with ogg codec. Sorry for the inconvenience) (wav files)
(2022年09月30日 01:13 更新)
(2022年09月30日 01:05 更新)
Fixed issue with ogg codec. Sorry for the inconvenience
(2022年09月26日 22:25 更新)
Sorry, Currently have some sound issue with LR2 when you play ogg version. We are checking the reason of problem. Meanwhile please play wav version. Many thanks.
(2022年09月22日 23:09 更新)
Hi, We are Euphoria Guru from Sydney, Australia.
Composer: Heinz Schweers
Singer: Jessica O'Donoghue
Sound Engineer and Designer: Kieren Bird
Video Designer: Frank
Team | Euphoria Guru | ||
BMS Artist | Heinz Schweers (movie : Frank) URL | ||
Genre | Pop Opera | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | The Photons of Music | ||
Size | 125400KB | BGA | BGA include・Self |
Level | ★x3〜★x48 | BPM | 135 |
TAG | 7Keys 14Keys 5Keys 9Keys Video-sharing Use-BGA Use-mpeg_movie Gimmick-LongNote |
DownLoadAddress | (ogg files - fixed issue with ogg codec. Sorry for the inconvenience) (wav files) |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2022/09/22 23:04 | Last Update | 2022/12/12 15:24 |
VOTE Points
(0hANkMCBo97mfw8FkkJP) 結。 
(rYumPFVRzzPi2BHvtkJP) わかば 
(EfzQlpWsAnxvgNdvkoJP) Moca 
(MAOgVncY3lj3dMLBXsKR) Yuri 
(OZMdHBzIrgETupdtzsCN) 狐悠 
(k1qyntSyOd4OLCPV.MJP) pawa 
(LgsscHgJLiGyDQzPlUJP) xion 
(RjYdYxDaDgrB43GWqEJP) patjuck 
(XCHnl8CyYpoWz8vwLEKR) えーえいちぜろ 
(FztFulJ42muBV39sfwJP) 髭姫 
(IGEkEYrUpXc9xufXQkJP) NinKell 
(RV8W32nHaNEbT3reX.US) asdf TacoMaster 
(PqzFsd8bfQuUh.xzF6AU) NIKANON 
(QfV8flvfYV43WIoMfgKR) lo-fi 
(LpWQ3WS7JzsfxIGYC2CN) Short Impression

Post Short Impression
Long Impression

(played : ANOTHER)
코멘트를 쭉 보면 확실히 불협화음이 호불호가 갈리는 요소인 것 같습니다. 개인적으로는 불협화음도 음악적인 요소로 쓰일 수 있다는 작곡가 분의 견해에 동의하므로 저로서는 오히려 좋았습니다. 패턴 역시 휴식구간이 많은 와중에 순간적으로 난해한 발광이 나오는 구성이라 호불호가 갈리겠습니다만 제가 그런 패턴을 좋아하는 편이라 문제 될 건 전혀 없었습니다. BGA 쪽은 보컬 분께서 노래하시는 영상에 적당히 전파스러운 요소를 집어넣은 느낌인데 되게 묘한 와중에 중독성이 있었습니다. 결국 필연적으로 호불호가 갈릴 수밖에 없는 작품이라고 생각하는데요, 노래, 패턴 , BGA 모두 제 취향에 딱 맞기 때문에 사심을 좀 넣어서 점수를 드렸습니다(?)
다른 사이트에서 Euphoria Guru의 이번 BOF 출전과 관련된 비하인드 스토리를 접했습니다. Euphoria Guru 팀의 파이널 스트라이커 곡인 Pop Song 역시 보컬 분이 등장하시는 BGA로 예정돼 있었던 것 같은데 이런저런 사유 때문에 급하게 다른 영상으로 대체되었다는 이야기도 있었고... (Pop Song과 관련된 이야기는 이 노래 임프레 란에 적기에 부적절하니 이만 줄이겠습니다.)
제 응원이 얼마나 도움이 될런지는 모르겠습니다만, 개인적으로는 Euphoria Guru 팀이 계속 BOF에 참여해서 대회를 빛내주었으면 좋겠습니다. 어디에나, 어떤 작품에나 부당할 정도로 공격적인 코멘트는 달리기 마련이니까요. 특히 저번에나 이번에나 BGA에 등장하시는 보컬 분과 관련된 이야기는 제 3자 입장에서 봐도 안타까웠습니다. 창작자의 입장에서 그것보다 가슴 아픈 일은 없겠지만 부디 어두운 면보다는 밝은 면을 보면서 힘 내주셨으면 합니다. Euphoria Guru를 응원하는 사람들도 많다는 점 꼭 기억해주세요. 감사합니다.

따뜻한 메세지 감사합니다. 저희도 잘해보고는 싶은데 Heinz가 옛시대 작곡가이다보니 DAW를 사용 못하는게 좀 많이 크네요.. 그래서 대신 제가 DAW와 가상악기를 공부하면서 사모으고 있습니다. 얼마나 도움이 될지는 모르겠지만요..
Photons of Music을 좋아해주신다니, 정말 감사합니다.


플레이 및 임프레션 감사합니다.


(Translated by Google)

(I played the 9button charts)
This is an absolute triumph. Bizarro avant-garde theatrical MIDI pop madness from another planet. I'm so happy this - and all the other Euphoria Guru songs submitted so far - exist in BMS!!! And I'm even more happy that there are 9button charts for it, both because I probably wouldn't have discovered it otherwise (I only really play 9button at the moment) and because I think this fits the Pop'n Music aesthetic super well.
To me, what makes this song work so well is that, no matter how claustrophic and bizarre the instrumental gets (it starts off already weird and only descends further into madness LOL), it's contrasted throughout by a jawdroppingly good vocal performance and an absolutely gorgeous vocal melody (especially the "I am reeling with my feeling..." bit). There is something so cathartic and invigorating about the push and pull between that "conventionally beautiful" vocal and the absolutely insane clashing chromatic synth/piano runs. By the time the second chorus rolls around, where Jessica hits that high note at the same time as that unhinged tom and snare drum programming comes in, I've ascended into another dimension! It's a perfect, dizzying mix of high art and pure camp.
As for the charts, they're solid enough and fun to play! I think all the decisions make sense for the song and it flows well. Really, the only problem is that it's kind of odd to have such a conventional, clean chart for such a wild song - I think it could stand to be more expressive and make more interesting use of some of the unusual rhythms going on throughout. But I won't let that affect the score because the important thing is I have a massive unshakeable grin on my face every time I play this. Thank you for your hard work!!

Hey, babyzionov. You are from NZ!
I made PMS charts of Euphoria Guru's BMS. Last time, I made a poor PMS chart of Island of Blue from BOFXVI. So, I was so careful about making PMS charts this year. That's why this time the charts are clean.
I wanted to make something wild charts like oo-san's "Stay with me" PMS charts, but I decided not to make it.
I am really happy to hear that you enjoyed PMS chart of "The Photons of Music". I really appreciate it. I sent your impression to Heinz. Maybe he may want to reply it.

I enjoyed SPH-I/DP/PMS charts.
I would like to say first is that when I played this entry first time on stream, I'll never forget when my friends of PMS players who were there chatted in unison; "Is that the new one from last year's opera?". That was a scene that earned me unparalleled sympathy.
Of course, I was no exception, and the strong personality that emerged from the introductory phrase brought a smile to my face as I realized that like...."Real" BOF (little difficult to put this feels into words) had arrived again this year. What I want to say is thanks for making, love your projects.
The melody, chords, and vocal were cohesive at first, but they were separated in stages from #022- #054-, giving the impression of starting to create songs at will. Especially the piano in #061- and the bizarre harmony in #075- climax, combined with the too beautiful high note extension of the vocal, gave me a kind of madness and strangeness.
However, this does not mean that it is uncomfortable, but rather that it is not connected to dissonance while being so free, and it is very stimulating as music that we do not usually listen to. These all parts are impressive and my especially favorite phrases.
I thought that in an opera that expresses intense emotion, I might be able to imagine a scene with this kind of atmosphere.
Since I couldn't listen to the lyrics almost of all (not mix problems but Im Japanese), everything is my imagination, but I had an image of a divergence from a single substance called music to the "photons" that make it up, and a transition to a melody played by each photon in its own way. The vocals seem to express the great energy that accompanies the divergence of the atoms.
I thought the unique coloring of the BGA reflected the strangeness of the music. Last year's chroma key composition had a strong impact, so I was happy to see a place that included drastic effects such as background transparency, even if the scale was different.
Personally, I thought Jessica-san's clip was a bit of a waste of verticality, pushing down the amount of information on the screen.
Every charts gives the impression of a staircase similar to Island of Blue's policy last year. The tempo is slow, so it is basically easy, but some trills and jack notes are hard to cheat and require some technique.
Also, thanks for making the PMS charts! EX #040- the unity of the staircase in a long span linked to the tune, #061- the trap that turns into jacks, #076 I enjoyed the double trills that require more dynamic movement than it looks. Difficulty probably 46-47? #TOTAL is now appropriate and easier to judge.
I felt the composition was similar to SPA, so more PMS-specific placement would be even better. Much melodies sounding so it is difficult to lead to a sense of discomfort even if the scale and playing lanes do not correspond exactly, and the music can be placed like a half joke, like drawing a picture.
*Please note that priority given to scoring and long impressions on containing PMS. Sorry for Wall of Text. Thanks for your production! (DeepL)

Thank you for really long and detailed impression, Portion-san.
It seems like Heinz wants to reply to your impression. We will post it later :)

I wrote this piece, once again, to reflect the song "The Sound of Music" from the musical with Julie Andrews. I wanted the song to be even more elaborate and wild than the original song. I used similar harmonies and thoughts from the original song but went further with the treatment. The original song's lyrics are "the hills are alive" whereas my song is freed from those same hills: "the hills can't hold me down." Once again, like Strange Night, I wanted to get away from earthly forces, and escape earthly expectation and yes, I wanted to go into extra-dimensional space with this song. I scream with joy as I float away from the earth's surface in a bubble of rapture and ecstasy, with music that tests the listener and the player. I particularly liked writing the middle section, which has the same melody as the first verse, but all the harmonies are changed, and the motive of the chorus is reversed and inverted to keep the styling of the piece unified.

音乐: 210/300
谱面: 270/300
演出: 170/200
新手友好度: 160/200

感谢您播放我们的条目。 我们为杰西卡的声音感到非常自豪。 我很高兴听到你喜欢她的声音!
(Translated by Google)

- 曲の展開が独特です
- ボーカルのボリュームが小さすぎる

플레이 정말 감사합니다. 최적화된 볼륨을 맞추는건 아직도 어렵네요..

本格派オペラ!! こういう作品がこの場で聴けるとは…w
こちらもまたなかなか無いタイプの進行と音使いをされているなーという感じがありました! 今回はそういうやつなのかな?w

プレイとインプレありがとうございます。 曲へのフィードバックはHeinzにお伝えします。
BGAで使用したJessicaさんの歌の映像は、スタジオバージョンを歌う時とは違い、実際に完成した音楽とは違いがあります。 映像を撮った後、Heinzが曲をまた修正しました。
(Translated by Google)

SP BEGINNER/NORMAL 플레이했습니다. 무난히 즐길 순 있었습니다.
향수를 자극하는 옛 느낌의 사운드이긴 하나 보컬 분의 좋은 목소리를 받쳐주기엔 부족하므로 어쿠스틱 악기를 좀 더 활용해봤어도 좋았을 것 같단 생각이 드네요. BGA도 이것저것 효과를 넣긴 했는데 지나치게 화려해서 넣지 않는 쪽이 더 보기 좋을 것 같습니다. 밋밋하더라도 보컬 분이 노래하시는 걸 잘 촬영해서 (세로는 말고 가로로 촬영) 만드는 것도 좋을거라 생각합니다. 좋은 작품 감사합니다!

플레이 감사합니다. 곡에 대한 피드백은 Heinz에게 잘 전달하겠습니다. BGA는 시간 내에 빠르게 구상하다보니 Photons 이라는 단어에 착안해서 가사에 어느정도 맞게 효과와 배경을 집어넣었는데, 중후반은 너무 과했던 것 같네요.
보컬이 노래부르는 건 이번에 Heinz가 직접 휴대폰으로 촬영했습니다. 예전처럼 그린 스크린을 쓰면 더 재미있었을 것 같지만, 2020년 참가 당시 그린 스크린을 사용한 촬영은 저희가 의도한 것이 아니라 Debra님이 자원해서 아예 의상까지 챙겨오신 덕분에 촬영이 가능했습니다. 사실 촬영이 가능했다고 해도 당시 유튜브 사건으로 인해 그렇게 촬영한걸 사용할 지에 대해서는 회의적이었을 것 같지만요.

Played Chart : SPA
초반 키음 검수가 부족했던게 아쉬웠고, 키음이 너무 커서 보컬이 묻히는게 아쉬웠습니다.
제작 수고하셨습니다. (Thank you for your hard work.)

플레이 감사합니다. 다른 플레이어에게도 같은 지적을 받았습니다. 보컬이 잘 안들린다고 하는 지적이었는데, 보컬을 키워보니 음량이 깨지는 바람에 보컬이 작은게 아니라 말씀하신대로 키음이 큰 거라는걸 깨달았습니다. 다음에 BMS 만들 일이 생긴다면 볼륨 조절에 더 신경쓰도록 하겠습니다.

▢ Played 5k chart ▢
✦ Music 200/250
- Her voice is surprising, also the melody, although the instruments sound a lot like MIDI, it would be incredible if these works could be remastered in the future!
✦ BGA 100/250
- BGA is weird for these kind of genres/songs
✦ Keysounds 250/250
- The BMS bases are very well done.
✦ Charts 250/250
- Very good chart, it's playable and funny!

Hey, Aspid Cat.
Our Vocal Jessica is a professional singer. She will ba happy to hear that you liked her voice :)
Also, I am happy to hear that you enjoyed 5K chart. About BGA, I haven't make any video in my life. If our team has an another chance to participate in the event in future and I have to make a video, I will try to make better one with more practice.
Thank you for the impression and feedback.

Played 7K HYPER.
As with the previous Euphoria Guru team, the songwriting is professional, but it sounds as if very little effort was put into the mixing and production. Basically it sounds like a demo with placeholder instruments. Even for music that is regardless very campy, it's just hard for me to fully enjoy it when the MIDI sounds are not leveled out well and become cacophonous. The song also clips in-game. It's sad because the music is otherwise unique in BMS and I like the weird sci-fi opera pop sound. Are different people in charge of writing and mixing?
The final score will be "4 out of 10".
This will use a stricter scoring system compared to previous years.
That's all for now.

Hey, thank you for playing.
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy our entry. Heinz hasn't studied about songwriting with DAW programs at all. So, Heinz wrote a song with midi files and our sound producer Kieran Bird placed it with proper instruments. But Heinz checked all the process with Kieran. So, I haven't asked about it to Heinz yet(Sorry, he is sleeping now..), but I guess Heinz intended that instuments sound.
Thank you for the impression and feedback.