Estrella Binaria
Davidsan (movie : ASXZPY)
LastUpdate : 2022/01/19 22:18
Music information
(2021年11月20日 13:04 更新)
(2021年11月20日 12:11 更新)
(2021年11月20日 12:10 更新)
A story about tango and two girls.
Team | 雀魂楽しい | ||
BMS Artist | Davidsan (movie : ASXZPY) URL | ||
Genre | Tango | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | Estrella Binaria | ||
Size | 94579KB | BGA | BGA include・Other |
Level | ★x7〜★x12 | BPM | 122 |
TAG | 7Keys Audition-Sound Video-sharing Use-BGA Use-BGI Use-ogg Use-wmv_movie Gimmick-LongNote Difficulty-beginner Difficulty-intermediate Difficulty-senior |
DownLoadAddress | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tfesVKFmUlwC-NCkyudcApbJHP9CSTUJ/view?usp=sharing |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2021/11/20 11:59 | Last Update | 2022/01/19 22:18 |
VOTE Points
(2YdIiQU3qthzqluGwgJP) xion 
(enGqdq47fqX1OpXVWgJP) Latte 
(08rt0tLy3lj3dMLBXsKR) miro 
(AHVCf5VS.GpW8gHo5YJP) えーえいちぜろ 
(FztFulJ42muBV39sfwJP) a-chang 
(owMeuX60QbC6l2SjY.CN) Kalse 
(gEpCAsYiLzA8jgZ/q6JP) Black 
(LSlMWWE4gj6BA2wNiEJP) Short Impression

Post Short Impression
Long Impression

Song: 13 / 20
Pattern: 13 / 20
Comment: 현대적인 방식이 많이 사용되지 않은, 어찌보면 정통의 탱고를 의도한듯 한데 미묘하게 오케스트라의 구성과도 비슷하다보니 저음부가 비어있다는 인상이 일부 있었음.
2차등록 악곡에 경우, 저만의 룰로 인해 점수가 100점 낮게 제출됩니다. 해당 평가는 최초 등록 직후의 파일로 평가되었습니다. 제작 수고하셨습니다!

Played pattern: I7
Music: 4.0/7.0
Pattern: 4.0/7.0
Keysound Objects: 4.0/7.0
Others: 0.0
Total points: 12.0
Final PTS: 5.06 (C)
Comments: 장르 자체는 BMS 악곡에서 접하기 어려워 신선했지만, 곡이 다소 길고 반복이 잦아 조금 지루할 수 있다. 패턴은 음계에 충실한 LN 패턴이었으나, 고속 스크래치가 다소 불호였으며 같은 멜로디는 연타로 배치했다면 더 좋았을 것이다.
제작 수고하셨습니다. (Thank you for your hard work.)

Good song! I enjoyed it. I don't have time to write a detailed comment before the deadline. If you would like more detailed feedback, please contact me privately!

Music: 362/405
Movie: 216/225
Pattern: 258/270
Overall: 936/1000 (Music + Movie + Pattern + Basic Score (100 points))
Thank you for your hard work.

メインメロディーラインを中心に帰る曲の展開が印象的でした。 このような雰囲気に合ったBGAのストーリーラインもよく似合いました。

Played 7K HYPER.
Though the song is well-written, the mix sounds odd in that the most "piercing" elements of the mix (like the accordion) are the loudest and it often sounds rather unpleasant. I'd like a more balanced distribution of frequencies if possible. Additionally at 0:25 the mix sounds too "busy" to me because the piano, accordion and strings are all covering each other up without it being clear what's supposed to stand out most.
I hope this problem can be addressed in the future because having more stylish orchestral-sounding BMS is really nice.
BGA is really well-drawn and beautiful, feels professional.