TJ.hangneil+Atomic Sphere feat.Annabel (movie : ILLUST:MON/MOVIE:みやざわえそら)
LastUpdate : 2024/12/03 23:33
Music information
(2024年10月31日 22:15 更新)
(2041年06月_◾️日 1*:ァ燦 更新)
(237◾️年__月@9日 2*:?= 更新)
(29◾️◾️年0ヲ月@X日 X*:ュ8= 更新)
Hello World.
Team | The Tower | ||
BMS Artist | TJ.hangneil+Atomic Sphere feat.Annabel (movie : ILLUST:MON/MOVIE:みやざわえそら) URL | ||
Genre | IVORY/TOWER | Original・Unit | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | ニルヴの心臓 | ||
Size | 320000KB | BGA | BGI only・Unit |
Level | ★x2〜★x13 | BPM | 128〜256 |
TAG | 7Keys 14Keys 5Keys 10Keys Lang-JP Lang-US Use-BGA Use-wmv_movie Use-mp4_movie Gimmick-LongNote Gimmick-Soflan Difficulty-beginner Difficulty-intermediate Difficulty-senior Difficulty-craziness Player-LR2 Player-beatoraja |
DownLoadAddress |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sUG04O3T4-5uWmSwcvYNHgotvgEeBStc/view?usp=drive_link ※COMMENT欄下部から「軽量版(ogg版/69.2MB)」もダウンロードできます |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2024/10/21 23:37 | Last Update | 2024/12/03 23:33 |
VOTE Points
(h49RqttQoK7u69ucyACN)69 de 74◆2RZbvtanL2wV
(tiWlBNrLTMM7XeGdYsKR)Short Impression
Post Short Impression
Long Impression
MUSIC : 480/ 500
CHART : 425 / 500
BGI : 50/50
TOTAL :1155
Played: [5EASY], [7HYPER]
TJ.Hangneil의 명의를 썼고 중간에 World Ender와 ozma의 심장 박동이 들리지만, 곡 스타일은 sasakure.UK에 가깝다고 생각합니다. BGA는 Eureka와 달리 레터박스를 씌우지 않고 정사각형으로 만들어서 넣었는데 이런 부분도 좋다고 생각합니다.
5K에는 쉬운 난이도의 차트가 있지만 7K는 가장 쉬운 게 10레벨인 점이 아쉽습니다. 대중적인 게 7K인 만큼 Beginner나 Normal 차트를 만들었으면 하네요. 좋은 작품 감사합니다!
Music-wise, this is a work that I can not stop playing because of the enjoyment it provides. As a matter of fact, I got addicted to it quickly because when playing the BMS, the time seems to be slower, like it wants me to stay in this world.
The music is very complex in both good and bad ways. It keeps the music structure way more solidified and I also think that the music building that way is beautiful by itself, combining with the BGA makes it look and sound even better. But at the same time, having complexity in this work (I am sorry, I am not a musician type of person so I do not know the actual terms) also makes the BMS charts quite difficult to read for beginners. Even I myself when trying 5EASY is a little bit struggling to read the chart along with the music. However, in the opposite side of said thing, it makes the BMS quite more interesting and more attractive, so I give you that.
The BGA makes me have different feelings and imagination between playing on social media and playing in the BMS:
When playing in social media, it describes in my mind an artificial world in which the Vocalist (I assume that it is Annabel) controls almost everything in it, and TJ.hangneil and Atomic Sphere are the ones drawing with something like machine-related access memory(?), and I think it is truly a brilliant combination of art.
Memewhile, the BMS play shows me a dream world that I am somehow invited into. In that world it has everything, good and bad, peaceful and violent... Everything ordinary and exists in the real world is there. It is great.
Now I am gonna talk about the main part: The BMS charts. First of all, I did not plan to play this entry much early on because I was once planning to save it for the final day of the Impression Period, but I have decided to play this after downloading the team archives because it may still be underrated as it has no 7KEYS NORMAL or lower difficulty chart, but there is one 5KEYS of BEGINNER difficulty. All charts was played on beatoraja v0.8.7:
I played 7KEYS HYPER first. Honestly it is not bad as a level 10. It might be a level 10+. I think the best part about the chart is that it still sounds good even when I missed (or mistimed) some couple of notes, because the complexity of the music structure can cover that. The final part of sequenced 1/16 beat measures is quite hard, but I personally am okay with that. It is a level 10 after all.
About 5KEYS HARD, I think it has given me some pain on my left finger. It is a level 8, but considering the 5KEYS standard, I think it is pretty okay. Maybe it is a 8+? 9-? I cannot tell. But overall, the chart is so tough and challenging, and the last part, that same sequence of 1/16 beat measures, is kinda not my cup of tea. I have actually encountered the lane 1 rapid sequence of hit notes before (I do not know what it is called in BMS terms), even in blind play, but with this chart, that part has bottomed my expression down for a bit. I think this chart might have a mid score if I score it separately.
5KEYS EASY is the chart that most SP players has surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, not noticed because most of them only play 7KEYS. I am gonna say that this chart is quite tough even for beginner because of the complexity of the music, in a perspective of a beginner player. But it is great, and for me, the chart still fit the atmosphere and feeling of the music and BGA. It fits the playlevel of 2 as well.
I also gave 14KEYS NORMAL a try, despite the fact that I am not a DP player. I think it is actually the best chart that I have played in this entry, because it is actually a chart that I can "dance" and "flow" even when playing with both sides being active, and I did not have such enjoyment playing the previous 3 charts. So for me, 14KEYS NORMAL is a best chart that I have played in this work.
That is it. Overall, the music could be the winner in this event, but judging on BMS alone, I do not think it would rise to the top. Because for me, the SP charts are not at perfection, it still has some crucial points to note down here and there that I ended up preferring the DP chart more. Therefore, I could not give this entry a maximum score.
And it is a shame that there are only a total of 8 charts at the time I write this impression, especially when there is no 7KEYS chart of NORMAL or lower difficulty, because I really like this work after all. However, I am kind of expecting way more charts from this entry, because I still believe that it can still so-called "outperform" this BOF lobby.
BMS: 8/10
Music: +100
BG: No deduction
P/s: I think the lyrics in this work is in a fictional language, is it true? And perhaps I may try to figure out what the written comment section actually means, as there is no readme file in the BMS archive...
May be some how offensive and strange to give such a low score to the currently highest entry, and it's by several famous authors.
To be honest, the music is great, which has a complex feeling of different emotions, and the BGA is great as well. HYPER 10 is generally alright, despite the last part is extremely difficult, I feel it like a LV.11. If just judge by this, I'd give a 830pts or so.
But I have to say that, the difficulty distribution is truly improper. Most people play 7K charts, and it only includes 3 charts: ☆10/☆11/★13. Even the easiest chart is a LV.10 which seems to reach LV.11 in fact. This is really unfriendly for lower level players. I think at least there should be a NORMAL chart, even it's a difficult one like ☆7. In previous events, distributions like 8/10/12 are already a big headache for lower level players.
I believe that as experienced BMS creators, the authors definitely knows what a good and proper difficulty distribution should be like. But I don't know why this work turns out to be like this...
Meanwhile, I think this may be a bad example for other authors... If no one is pointing out this problem, I'm afraid that similar things may happen again - maybe next year, some famous authors who haven't in BOF or BMS events for years come back to venue again, and just write 2 or 3 difficult charts, or even write 1 chart, but that work was still a popular one and in a very high ranking... And then, some authors may think, "the famous authors are not putting heart on easier charts, so I don't have to as well", and then write more things like 8/10/12 and 9/11/12, making it more tough for beginner players.
I don't want to see that in the future, a new player downloads this, but gets disappointed because there's no any chart he can try to play. I also don't want to see that in the future, people are criticizing about BOF, saying it's not "BMS" Of Fighters, because a highly recommended work, or maybe even a champion is a work that is somehow "unfinished" on BMS charts.
If the authors are willing to add a easier 7K chart later and really do that, I would strongly appreciate that! And if so, I'd change my score in last 2 days according to the rules. I apologize again for writing such a long comment to say the problem of this work, I'm sorry I may be somehow too straight, and make others uncomfortable, but I really think this is a serious problem.
Thank you for all your efforts on this work!
とか考えてる自分がいます… 神秘的なのはそうなんですがその言葉で片付けてしまっていいのか?とかその他も多数…
「いいですか、落ち着いて聞いて下さい。TJ. hangneil氏、Atomic Sphere氏、Bitplane氏が同じチームでBOF:TTに出場しています」
いや、この作品、純粋に凄いですね。まずそもそもTJ. hangneil氏、Atomic Sphere氏、Bitplane氏というもはやレジェンド級のBMSアーティストが集まり、チームを作っているという事実がそもそも凄い。これに関しては私としてはBOF:TTに多くあったサプライズイベントの中でもとりわけ驚かされたイベントでした。アレ?TJ. hangneil氏に関してはそうじゃないんでしたっけ...?まあそこは良いか。触れたらいけなさそうだし。
その他にも、この作品がTJ. hangneil氏とAtomic Sphere氏の合作という事もあってか、やっぱり今回のBOF:TTの作品の中でも一際スタイリッシュな作品になっていますね。それは曲の面でもそうですし、譜面の構成でもそうです。特に譜面に関しては、最近の傾向と比べた時に、かなり硬派な選択を取ってて面白いなと感じましたね。これぞファイナルストライカーに相応しい譜面構成です。
さて、まず挙げられるのは、Atomic Sphere氏のエッセンスがこの作品からは少々汲み取りにくい点です。それは恐らくこの作品を最初に遊んでから真っ先に気付いた点で、作品内の要素を汲み取ると、その殆どがTJ. hangneil氏のエッセンスで成り立っているのではないかと個人的にどうしても感じてしまうぐらいにはこの作品のパワーバランスが支配的なものになっているように感じさせられます。それは音楽性的にもそうですし、美学的にもそうです。その中でもなんとかしてカモフラージュしているAtomic Sphere氏を探し出そうとしており、恐らく一番有り得そうなのはビート周りかなと感じたのですが、それが確信ではなく、推察で終わってしまっており、どこかもやっとした気分にさせられるのです。インプレッションを投稿されている方の中にはそのように上手く溶け込めている点を評価する方が居るのかもしれないのですが、私としては寧ろ、ケミストリーが少々一方の方に寄り過ぎてしまっているように感じてしまった点がどうしても気になって仕方がなかったので、まずはその点を挙げさせてください。
しかし、それが必ずしも物事を悪化させる要因になるかと言われれば、必ずしもそうではないと言えるのは確かではあります。例えば、Atomic Sphere氏がTJ. hangneil氏をPushする形でこの作品を打ち出したのだと前もって知っていれば、私として別にその点に違和感を感じることはなかったようにも思えます。この問題は単に、私がアーティストの表記を見て先入観を抱いてしまったが為に、少々奇妙に感じるポイントとなってしまっただけの問題なのかもしれないとも感じています。つまり、どのように作品を打ち出すかという見せ方と実際の作品像との間にちょっとしたズレが生じてしまっているのではないかと私個人として感じている、ということです。
ここからがもう1つ目です。それは先程の話を前提として考えた時に生じる疑念なのですが、この作品が仮にTJ. hangneil氏がメインとなって創り出された作品だったとして、果たしてキャリア的に爪痕を残すような事を氏はこの作品で行ったのだろうか、といった疑念です。「いやいや、全然爪痕残せてるよ」と仰る方も居るでしょうし、「そんな事言うのは失礼極まりない」と仰る方も居るかもしれません。確かに、BOFへのカムバック作として考えると、かなりこの作品がその辺りの役割を上手く出来ているのは確かだと思います。しかし、純粋な音楽性という意味で言うとこの作品は近年のTJ. hangneil氏が遺している作品群の延長線上にあるものの1つであるだけのように私は感じています。
Download time: 11/9
SP / DP 各譜面で触れさせて頂きました。
インスピレーションの美しさと儚さに触れるような作品で、感動しました。BOF のリアルタイムでこの作品と巡り会えたのは 得難い体験です。
…チームのテーマを鑑みるに これ以上は野暮にしかならなそうですが、創作が手から離れるというし、BMS は語る文化を内包するという屁理屈で、後少しだけ…!
この作品がチームの FINAL STRIKER (FS) 枠に据えられたというのが、私の中で一番痺れたポイントでした。
歴史としてしか知らない "Club Stubborn" "The Ivory Tower" それに、ニルヴァーナ、その心臓に象牙の塔… この作品で点と点が繋がる美しさがまずありますが、
そのうえ、"Eureka" で過去を見つめたあと、既に視界は未来 (未知) を見据えているよ、という風な、象徴的な意味の FS枠 を感じてしまいました。
理想と現実、探求と発見、過去と未来、一見地続きになっていそうな二つの概念が 実は無限に遠かったり、それでも求めていく中でしか得られない景色があったり
そういうことが表現されているように感じました。この表現の形を取るためには、BMS であることも必要不可欠なピースになっていると思います。
TJ.hangneil さんの作品を実はそこまで詳しいわけではないのですが、これまで幾度となくぶつけられてきた「未知」とは少しニュアンスが違うといいますか
何か人間味のある未知で、もしかしたらそれが合作らしさ、あるいは Atomic Sphere さんの成せるところなのかもしれないな… など勝手な解釈が止まりません。
譜面につきまして、これは…未知! 不思議な音しかアサインされませんでした。特に、執念を感じるほどの Vocal キー音は 本当に独特の触り心地です…!
SPH リズムズレがことごとく Vocal 由来に感じるのが面白いです。また、要所のLNは 末端で離した瞬間、完全にミュートされる瞬間があるのが脳汁でした。
SPA ガチ押し、Vocal 皿のゴリゴリした演奏から #193- #205- ブレイクビーツの演奏でスピーディに切り替わっていくのが超楽しかったです。
5N-H は (この譜面に限りませんが、特に気付きがあったものとして) 複音化の的確さがさすがでした…! 5H のラスト殺しは、知る人ぞ知るの気配があります。
DPH #027- #205- 左右の掛け合いとラストのラッシュが楽しかったです! ただ、全体的には、DP はちょっと淡泊な印象があったかもしれません。
余談ながら、この作品と "Eureka" のSP譜面はどちらも型にはまらない面白さがあって、ただ、どちらの方がより面白いか? と問いかけると
優劣ではなく、通ってきた音ゲーや BMSに求めるものによって意見が分かれそうな気がして、興味があります。何故そう思うかというと言語化が難しいのですが…!
hi-low さんへの私信ですが、もしまだ余力があれば、万年図書館ポイント難民の私に 慈悲を頂けないでしょうか?
In my time playing RGs, I have heard criticisms regarding sasakure.UK/TJ.hangneil works, particularly in smaller circles, about how similar they sound. While this statement holds some truth, it is undeniable that this sound is truly charming and fascinating to listen to. I really enjoyed how experimental this sounded while still having an identifiable sample set. This file really grows on you, and I started to enjoy it the more I played it.
The BGA is phenomenal and captivating to watch just by itself, blending the familiar pastel colors of previous sasakure BGAs with finer effects, details, and beautifully smooth transitions. Amazing work!
Before my remark: I'm a big fan of TJ.hangneilさん so my remarks must have a lot of my own point of view (even prejudice) 許してください
Music: Good one but can't impress me like other TJ.hangneilさん's works do. It's more like a "new TJ.hangneil" but not the one old works like 神威 or apollo shows. Once more I didn't say that this work is not good it's just can't shock me like other works do...
Sequence(bms): Tried [sp 7HYPER] with IIDX device (with the plates). Well for me white 10 is a little bit too hard but it's OK. I think this bms is just match the basic requirements(caught every important notes which makes the player really involve in the music) but didn't impressed me so I would give a basic grade.
Graphic(BGA): For me it is just good enough too. It did show us a view of world-in-mind and try to tell us a special story, but it didn't make the most of it at both sides so a basic grade here too.
SelfFlavor: Like it but not that much.
This is absolutely a work of art, diaphanous and transcendence.
- 譜面が曲とよく似合う
- 曲の展開が独特だった
- 何を演奏しているのかはっきり感じられるほどキー音とBGMの音量バランスが取られている。
- 演奏感がある
- BMSの容量が多すぎる
amazing...I can't find any word to describe the beauty
这是 LUXURY 的回复部分,因此我们建议在印象部分发布!
This is the response section for LUXURY, so we recommend posting in the impression section!
20年回归惊艳 我轻轻跪下了
that is too amazing to describe 。。。
it feels like the new world god