Non-lyrical Pop/Ballad (and more)

Mưa (Rain/雨 - With variants)

Deadline Hater - Burden of Asia

bpm : 3-99 (99) / Level : ★x5〜★x11 / BGA : none
LastUpdate : 2020/09/15 00:05


Music information

Download!AodogG7jJNekeG8PSwewXhHKJHY?e=m1SUSQ (200819 edition with 3 versions)

Total : 175788 KB

TAG : Gimmick-LongNote


(2020年09月15日 00:05 更新)

(2020年09月12日 11:25 更新)

/*"Don't despair, me, don't despair"
I am a Loser. I am not able to complete this project. I am so bad. Please give me the lowest possible score. I want more 0-impression, please...


The BMS Title Display is written in English, not Vietnamese or Japanese, because of the fact that Lunatic Rave 2 on my laptop does not support Vietnamese and Japanese completely, and player may understand the meaning incorrectly (such as "mưa" means "rain", while "mua" means "to buy something", so when the Vietnamese titles are displayed, there would be some title that could mislead the players, especially Vietnamese players, which can lead to the disqualification of the entire entry. Therefore, you need to find the patterns with English title. I hope that you will understand me about this issue.
I hope you all will enjoy my recent works. Thank you for your attention.
Also, please leave your impression using your language, because the Translator does not help us to understand what it translates your comment. I will also use my language (English and Japanese) to reply to your impression.
The following story is true. It really happened in real life, in my family.
All times are GMT+9.*/

August 3, 2020 11:18

It seems like I can not bring this song to "WORLD WAR".
It would be weird if this song were featured in this event.
I need to think up another project that may be better...
(It started raining outside, heavier and heavier. Suddenly, the melody has appeared in his head)
Perhaps I have a new project for myself.
I don't have much time to do all the works.
I only have 1-2 hours per day to make song and BMS (and BGA/BGI).
With this little amount of time, I am not able to do this work fully.
Anyway, I must focus to it now, immediately, and seriously.
(And then, Deadline Hater started to do his new work, which is the WORLD WAR entry, "Mưa". He spend his free time making the project, and usually stop at 1 or 2 o'clock the next day.)

August 9, 2020 21:37

One week has passed already, and I still have not completed the song yet.
I need to extend my working time, starting from tomorrow.
(So, Deadline Hater decided to reduce his time at workplace for his BMS project)
(However, an accident happened which affected to Deadline Hater and his family)

August 10, 2020 19:05

"Dad, go home now!"
My younger brother (Nickname: Zen0), went to the workplace and said my dad to return home.
I also went to see what happened.
My little sister (I usually call her Sakura-chan) has been badly injured.
Her left leg was burnt.
So much blood.
Why did that happen?
(Sakura has been affected by boiled water, which resulted in her injured left leg which may be recovered in months)
(And so, Deadline Hater could not be able to extend his BMS time due to the fact that he have to maintain the workplace)

However, I still made great effort to my BMS project, and now I have basically completed it.

This project is called "Mưa" (Rain - 雨). It contains an original version and 2 other variants. Each version has 3 7KEYS patterns: NORMAL, HYPER and ANOTHER. Here is the completed versions:
1. "Mưa" (Rain/雨 - Original version)
- Genre: Non-lyrical Pop/Ballad.
- Length: 3 minutes 54 seconds.
- Pattern play level: 5 - 6 - 7.
2. "Mưa axít" (Acid rain/酸性雨 - Variant No. 1)
- Genre: Non-lyrical Pop/Ballad + A Little Bit of Rock.
- Length: 4 minutes 35 seconds.
- Pattern play level: 5 - 9 - 10.
3. "Mưa đá" (Hail/雹 - Variant No. 2)
- Genre: Non-lyrical Pop/Ballad + Artcore Question Mark.
(Please tell me that this variant is not an Artcore song)
- Length: 5 minutes 30 seconds.
- Pattern play level: 5 - 8 - 11.

August 18, 2020 23:40

I can't even make music and BMS.
Sakura-chan is crying in pain.
Her wounded left leg still have not been recovered.
The wound may be existed on her leg in several months.
I can do nothing but wish she would be fine and treated well...

- Music: FL Studio 12 - Demo Edition.
- Instruments: FL Studio 12 - Demo Edition + Spitfire Audio/Labs.
- Edit: FL Studio 12 Demo Edition + woslicerIII + Some Audio Converter Online for PC.
- BMS Making: iBMSC BMS Creator + uBMSC BMS Creator.
- Testplay: BMIIDXView2015 v3.06 + Lunatic Rave 2 - 100201 version + Bemuse v48.3 + beatoraja v0.7.8.


September 10, 2020 22:48

My Last Words:
My life now is no longer normal like before.
I have returned to the Dormitory to continue my study.
Sakura-chan is now recovered after the accident one month ago.
I am now also free from the works that I do not like at all.
However, the thing that I am worrying is...
I am still a terrible person in society, at work, and at everything.
How can I escape from "the prison"?
How can I become a successful person in society?
How can I...
How... can... I...
Argh, I am very stressful now!!!
What do I do?

September 12, 2020 04:17

I just woke up after that sneeze.
I do not know if anyone in the room also woke up.
But everyone is still sleeping, so it is OK.
Anyway, I am thinking about my behavior in the last two months.
Why am I so bad at behaving?
I start being stressful again...
Wait, was that because of the stress?
Then how...
No, I must keep concentrating on my study and BOFXVI works.
(He has not been completed any projects for the BOF event yet.
And just 20 minutes later, he slept again.)

Late Trivia:
There are no Late Trivia about this entry. Thank you all for sinking me to the bottom of the abyss. I really need these impression, actually. Because I am a terrible composer... :(
Also, before I thought up this entry, there is the Primary Version of another song that I used to plan to register to this event. This song is called "Expelled". Below is the link to YouTube and Soundcloud. I think that song is even worse than this entry (because it is the first time I have made a song with 4-digit BPM). But anyway, please play it. The BMS archive will be released soon and I will post it in the description.
YouTube link:
Soundcloud link:

Once again, thank you for decrying me. I truly appreciate that.

Team Asia
BMS Artist Deadline Hater - Burden of Asia URL
Genre Non-lyrical Pop/Ballad (and more) Original・Unit
Source ----- -----
Title Mưa (Rain/雨 - With variants)
Size 175788KB BGA none・Unit
Level ★x5〜★x11 BPM 3-99 (99)
DownLoadAddress!AodogG7jJNekeG8PSwewXhHKJHY?e=m1SUSQ (200819 edition with 3 versions)


Regist Time2020/08/14 13:37 Last Update2020/09/15 00:05

Enter the Revise form

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VOTE Points
(last vote date : 2020年09月14日 23:28)

BBBB  ()









キメラのキタムラ  ()



kairos22  ()



nakai-san  ()


Short Impression

Deadline Hater as D8   2020年09月14日 23:58 (JJWoteIxTPVfQhuRxUVN)
Response too Szkielator: うーん...私はそれを感じました。 どうもありがとうございました。 本当に感謝しています。 そして、スコアを推測するときに私は間違っていました。 2点だと思いました!
Szkieletor  () 2020年09月14日 23:56 (kHh8CskkMuMM4SHb/AJP)
Deadline Hater as D8   2020年09月14日 23:41 (JJWoteIxTPVfQhuRxUVN)
Response to 翠。: どうもありがとうございました。
Deadline Hater as D8   2020年09月14日 23:40 (JJWoteIxTPVfQhuRxUVN)
Response to kireji: このエントリにBGAまたは一部のBGAを用意しなかったことを深くお詫び申し上げます。 どうもありがとうございました。 本当に感謝しています。
Deadline Hater as D8   2020年09月14日 23:37 (JJWoteIxC8.cti11EgVN)
Response to 暮狛: My favorite part is when you did not say which version you played, so I marked it as "played all versions". Thank you for your impression. I truly appreciate that.
Deadline Hater as D8   2020年09月14日 23:04 (JJWoteIxTPVfQhuRxUVN)
Response to Thefur: What? Thank you for your impression!
Thefur  () 2020年09月14日 23:00 (NgQfCUwvBSP.oDGRlsSG)
Thank you for your hard work!
Deadline Hater as D8   2020年09月14日 23:00 (JJWoteIxC8.cti11EgVN)
Respoonse to ume: どうもありがとうございました。 本当に感謝しています。 不足に注意を払い、次の作品でより良くなります!
ume  () 2020年09月14日 22:50 (GVFXLkJatNuYfTR3wAJP)
Deadline Hater as D8   2020年09月14日 20:56 (lUs5ixhKV4zglK0SFEVN)
Response to nekomimi_STRaw Pt.2: 何度も聞いたので、あなたの言っていることがわかりました。 このイベントのすべてのエントリーの中で最も低いポイントを与えてくれてとても嬉しいです。 改めて、私のエントリーに寄せられたすべてに感謝します。 本当に感謝しています。
Deadline Hater as D8   2020年09月14日 20:54 (lUs5ixhKV4zglK0SFEVN)
Response to nekomimi_STRaw: 私はそれを知っていました! 私はあなたがその点を私に与えると思いました。 どうもありがとうございました!!!
nekomimi_STRaw  () 2020年09月14日 20:50 (chzbKth2o2T83ZEy4IJP)
やりたいことはなんとなく伝わりました! 譜面数が多いわりに長いので作品の良さを感じるまでのハードルが高いのが問題なのかも。
first   2020年09月14日 13:52 (lUs5ixhKDGQI6IUmVEVN)
Response to last: また、あなたへの対応も難しいです。 どうもありがとうございました。
last   2020年09月14日 13:32 (rgeGJYS4bSlQ/PxgQoJP)
翠。  () 2020年09月13日 11:24 (qHUTsDR6zzPi2BHvtkJP)
kireji  () 2020年09月13日 04:05 (uVGWRA1LTcLBw5cXdoJP)
三上千織  () 2020年09月13日 02:26 (dPCvAqJMouoX5aWUzgJP)
D8   2020年09月12日 12:33 (lUs5ixhKAoT4fvVmk6VN)
Response to NASAdélic Chopin: 4時間で雨が降ります. 🌧️🌧️☔
NASAdélic Chopin◆fnkquv7jY2  () 2020年09月12日 12:24 (UwFKbcyj1hC0C/aGggJP)
Deadline Hater   2020年09月11日 15:08 (AC3YveoYq20oVucuTcVN)
Response to 特命係: 🤔 -> 😢 -> 😭
特命係  () 2020年09月11日 14:53 (zR2xenJAfafi/IgUtcJP)
Deadline Hater the Loser   2020年09月11日 00:24 (AC3YveoYbX87XzYwcAVN)
Response to Eltsopa: それはまさに「私が思う」です。 感想ありがとうございます。
Eltsopa   2020年09月11日 00:00 (OJJ29kvwQ6UtRBnKakJP)
play:Rain,Acid Rain どれをやれば良いのかわかりませんでした…譜面の音階無視も気になってしまいました。曲は良いと思います!
暮狛  () 2020年09月10日 11:36 (HlH1enY2rcsR4otuDMUS)
(SPA)My personal favorite was rain, mostly because of how it was so relaxing.
Definitely not Deadline Hater   2020年09月07日 10:48 (AC3YveoYV4zglK0SFEVN)
(POSITION >100% in TOTAL 104)
E-MAN  () 2020年09月07日 10:43 (WqE2oFjBInEFO2q9zMCN)
POSITION 90%-100% in TOTAL 104. 制作お疲れ様でした。
Deadline Hater   2020年08月28日 18:37 (lUs5ixhK5JJTs2iQn.VN)
Response to qfeileadh: わぁ! 感想やアドバイスをありがとうございました。次の仕事も頑張っていきます!!
qfeileadh  () 2020年08月28日 18:22 (pwljs5biVoOKzIx30UCA)
曲そのものは凄く良いメロディしていると思うりこ 色々指摘されているところはあると思うけども、頑張ってほしいりこ
Deadline Hater   2020年08月26日 22:16 (AC3YveoY5JJTs2iQn.VN)
Response to 胡散臭い放浪者: 感想・アドバイスありがとうございます。 本当に感謝しています。 そして、私はそれに値するので、私が最低点をとることはかなり確信しています。
胡散臭い放浪者  () 2020年08月26日 22:10 (2MrnQh41szdh4M5UBwJP)
Deadline Hater   2020年08月26日 18:01 (lUs5ixhK5JJTs2iQn.VN)
Response to Grimfearia: 正直言って、この曲は天候が激しく雨が降っているときに考えただけなので、BMSとしてはあまり考えていませんでした。 とにかく、私のプロジェクト全体に与えてくれたすべてに感謝します。 本当に感謝しています。
Grimfearia  () 2020年08月26日 16:37 (ecdv9Hj5v1xzZB4WGkJP)
それぞれのSP HYPERをプレイしました。Original Versionはとても綺麗で良い曲でした。その他2つも悪くはなかったです。ですが譜面があまり楽しくなかったです…ごめんなさい… この作品はBMSで譜面を遊ぶよりも雨の日にゆったり静かに曲を聴く方が良いと思いました。曲は純粋に好きでした!
Deadline Hater   2020年08月25日 09:11 (lUs5ixhKoTrY3c6XvwVN)
Response to Kanata.S: 私はあなたの言う事が分かります。 ほとんどのBMSプレーヤーもそう言っています。 プロジェクト全体もS9Bのように思いがけない作品で、時間も限られていました。 プロジェクトがあなたを失望させてしまった場合は、申し訳ありません。 とにかく、遊びと感動ありがとうございました。 本当に感謝しています。
Kanata.S  () 2020年08月25日 04:24 (gfTvWZZvUuH32.LrIwJP)
[SP HYPER]をプレイ。Acid RainとHailとRainのどれをやっていいのか分からなかったのでAcid Rainをやったんですが、違いが微妙過ぎて結局どういう関係なのかわからなかったです…
Deadline Hater   2020年08月24日 21:53 (lUs5ixhKoTrY3c6XvwVN)
Response to EPIMATA: 遊びと感動ありがとうございました。
EPIMATA  () 2020年08月24日 21:44 (R1hAqSiBAtKNYfEuC6KR)
お疲れ様です![No.2 ANOTHER]
Deadline Hater   2020年08月24日 20:45 (lUs5ixhKoTrY3c6XvwVN)
Response to saaa: プロジェクト全体についてあなたが言ったことを本当に理解しています、そしてそれは申し訳ありません。 私のエントリーに残してくれたすべてに感謝します。 本当に感謝しています。
saaa  () 2020年08月24日 20:42 (gtkEuH2rHv63E49TlUJP)
[A] 曲長すぎで譜面も前半3分くらいずっと茶番なのでやっててしんどいです….....
Deadline Hater  () 2020年08月22日 17:49 (lUs5ixhKgd5eDJmCdMVN)
Response to Clam: あなたが正しいです。 この作品を登録すべきではなかった。 この遅れをお詫び申し上げます。
Clam  () 2020年08月22日 17:47 (aEwq8PTu3lj3dMLBXsKR)
Deadline Hater  () 2020年08月22日 13:39 (lUs5ixhKgd5eDJmCdMVN)
Response to Black: ご感想、アドバイス、ご検討を賜り、誠にありがとうございました。本プロジェクトに力を入れなかったことをお詫び申し上げます。
Black   2020年08月22日 13:30 (4EnJtYUUTC9WxJyvrwJP)
うーん、やりたいことは分かりますが・・・w まず、Rainの時点でのメロディはかなりいい感じに思いました。まったりしたメロディで聴きやすさもありましたし( ただ、同じ曲で少し展開を変えた上の2つ(Acid RainとHail)は正直いらないというか、それをするのであれば別曲として作ってしまったほうが良かったんじゃないかなと… または、差分として作るとかをしたほうがより良かったのかも。なので、この点を考慮してこの点数にしました…
Deadline Hater  () 2020年08月22日 10:10 (lUs5ixhKMdobF/Mn0oVN)
Response to ポロロッカ: よくわからない印象をありがとうございます。
ポロロッカ  () 2020年08月22日 01:33 (6faMMzEDA.GFrhBa2QJP)
Deadline Hater  () 2020年08月21日 19:00 (lUs5ixhKflr4le30pQVN)
Response to BMS Newbie: Thank you for impressing.
BMS Newbie   2020年08月21日 17:21 (LiIfJFk2LCEkAGVRroKR)
Thank you for making.
Deadline Hater  () 2020年08月19日 11:00 (Tr9kkRQaZbkY.rc742VN)
Response to Triforce: Thank you for your impression. But my project is still undone...
Triforce  () 2020年08月19日 10:45 (NEZ37D8Sp77Ia03fXEKR)
Thank you for your work!

Post Short Impression

  • 本イベントはbms(またはbmson)のイベントです。インプレッション(感想)で評価を付ける際は、実際に音声や映像(またはその両方)のみの作品ではなく、音楽ゲームの一つの作品として実際に触れていただいた上で感想を書いていただきますようお願い申し上げます。
  • 投稿したインプレッションの修正・削除は行えません。必要な場合はお問い合わせフォームに投稿するか、主催者へ直接連絡をお願いします。
  • のマークが付いた項目は入力必須ですが、Gradeに限り、「評価を付けない」にチェックを入れると未記入でも投稿できます。
  • 罵倒、中傷等を含んだ文章表現や 個人への攻撃的発言、その他一般良識に欠ける表現は削除することがあります。
  • 文章(Impression)を記入せず評価のみを投稿すると投票扱いとなります。
  • 事務連絡等の評価を対象としないコメントを投稿する場合、「評価を付けない」のチェックボックスをオンにしてください、なおチェックした時点で得点の入力は無視されます。また、評価が目的ではないコメントは宣誓に同意する必要はありません。
  • PTS

    Long Impression

    kei_iwata  ()


    Deadline Hater as D8  

    ポップ/バラードの曲の平均の長さは約4〜4.5分なので、曲の長さをかわすことができませんでした。 しかし、私はこれらの曲よりも短い別のポップ/バラードの歌をやり直します。
    どうもありがとうございました。 本当に感謝しています。

    한국말로 무조건 말하라니 한심하&◆MsHWG.y1HQ  ()

    Played pattern: HailA
    Music: 2.0/7.0
    Pattern: 2.0/7.0
    Keysound Objects: 2.0/7.0
    Others: 0.0
    Total points: 6.0 (D)
    Comments: 곡의 멜로디는 설득력이 있으나, 음색이 기본 MIDI음에서 거의 변하지 않은 것 같아 아쉽습니다. 또한 곡의 길이가 6분에 가까운데 웬만하면 3분 이내로 과감하게 커팅하는 것이 좋습니다. 이 곡의 경우 전반과 후반의 분위기가 대비되는데 전반과 후반을 분리하여 각각 3분의 다른 버전으로 제공해도 좋았을 것입니다. 패턴의 경우 곡 분위기에 맞는 완급조절은 있지만, 노트의 배치가 음계와 맞지 않게 완전히 무작위로 배치된 느낌이 강해 의문이었습니다. 또한 접시LN의 경우 콘트롤러의 경우 한 손으로 건반부를 처리하게 되는데, 이를 고려하지 않고 배치한 느낌이었습니다.
    There may be something you can do well from the beginning, but you may not, and you don't blame it for that. Although the number on the score may be unsatisfying, this comment is at least the best advice I can give as a BMS player who is not familiar with music. I hope you don't get frustrated from the results because all other comments are their best advice that they can give you. Whether it's a BMS competition, studying, or society, I hope you will act wisely, believing that it will gradually improve. If you need an English translation for this comment, please reply.
    제작 수고하셨습니다! (Thank you for your hard work.)

    Deadline Hater as D8  

    Thank you for your impression.
    However, to be fairer, you need to play all version. "Hail" is now the worst version among the 3. But anyway, thank you very much for your advice.
    Actually, I thought that you would give me the same score as the registration No.29. At least I still got some points...

    paraneumann  ()

    説明文を見るに、FL Studioのデモ版で制作されているのでしょうか
    もしくはフリーでもStudio One Primeなどの優秀なDAWがありますので、環境を整えることをお勧めしたいです


    Deadline Hater as D8  

    私は発展途上国のベトナム出身なので、FL Studioのパッケージは私が見つけたものではありません。 買う余裕がない。 ただし、私は2つのDAWの使用方法を学んでいます。OhmStudioとBandlabのCakewalkです。 2021年から作り始めます。
    ポップ/バラードの曲の平均の長さは約4〜4.5分なので、3つの異なる長さの範囲で3つの異なるバージョンを作ることにしました。 これらのバージョンの1つがあなたや他のBMSプレーヤーを失望させてしまったことを心からお詫びします。
    それが私がここで言うことです。 エントリーしてくれてありがとうございます。 本当に感謝しています。

    キー音NKVD  ()

    your music skill is very improved!
    but bms version is yet.
    if you want give a sense of performance at in-game, give a long length at wav file.
    its VERY helpful for [[remove clipping]] in-game.
    reference: this image -

    and, music length is very long. the recommended music length for music game is under 2:40
    if you over this time, many player getting tired. (and bms maker too!)

    Deadline Hater as D8  

    "but bms version is" not "yet."
    Thank you for everything you gave to my entry. I just kept the length fit to a Pop/Ballad song.

    Trantech  ()





    Deadline Hater as D8  

    エントリーしてくれてありがとうございます。 本当に感謝しています。


    Rain(SPA)/ Acid rain(SPA)/ Hail(SPA) をプレイしました。

    う〜ん・・・。Deadline Hater さんの作品は毎回 BMSとして基本的な部分に違和感があって
    その結果「作品としての個性」への言及など 本来インプレッションで得られるはずの内容が抜け落ちてしまっていて、そこが本当に勿体なく思います。
    ということで、私の総合評価は点数にゆだねるとして―――といってもご存知の通り私の採点はエゴの塊で 何の参考にもなりませんが(笑)、
    とにかく私の中で Deadline Hater さんの個性を感じ、印象的だった部分を中心にコメントすることにします。

    例えば、#027 61→62番 小節内で右上がりの階段が左端から現れるのはシュールに感じてしまいます。

    "Acid Rain" は Pop Rock のような方向性を想像していたので驚きました。Shoegazer テイスト?でしょうか、荒い感情を感じました。
    "Hail" はHARD判定と相まって 差し迫った、悲しみのような感情が強調されているように感じました。ストリングスの2連がうまく働いていると思います。
    いずれのアレンジも前半部分は"Rain"と共通なのに 途中から様相が崩れていくという、IF Story のような構図が浮かびました。
    オリジナルをまず提出し、アレンジを順に提示することで演出を高めていくという作品の展開方法は、評価は難しくなりますが とても面白いですね。

    作品の完結を見る事が出来ず残念ですが ( >Anyway, my next work is about my high schooling period (Spoiler?). との事でしたから)、
    良い結末であったこと、そして妹さんのご無事と Deadline Hater さんが安心して創作に打ち込める環境が再び訪れることを願っています。

    Deadline Hater as D8  

    I'm very grateful to you, portion-sensei (should I call you this name?).
    I can not say many works. But anyway, thank you very much for your impression and advice...

    TaW  ()


    Deadline Hater as D8  


    池田哲次  ()


    Deadline Haterさんの作品を見ていると小手先のアイデアに頼り切っているような気がして残念な気持ちにさせられます。



    129DCB9  ()

    Hello Deadline Hater. Nice to meet you at this event.

    Right after you registered this entry, I expected a really good song from you. In addition, you represented to Vietnam, our country (I believe that), so I was expecting so much.I understand why you chose a Pop/Ballad song for the event, because I knew the style of V-POP through the decades. The original version is really good, although it is not as good as what I thought. I did not know why, but when playing, I suddenly remember some Vietnamese Pop/Ballad song from the 2000s. I do not know whether you also associated to those songs. If you did, then answer me. The combination of instrument which volume changes is interesting. It would be more interesting and enjoyable if it were not a Non-lyrical song. Much better than your previous Pop song that I heard from YouTube.

    About the Variant No. 1, the "A Little Bit of Rock" version, I am sure that this is the first time you make a Rock song. It is not bad, but the melody makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable. The long notes combining with the Electric Guitar play in your ANOTHER patterns is quite difficult to play. Anyway, this song is good, especially when you did it in the very first time, certainly.

    The Variant No. 2, the "Artcore Question Mark" version, is a different story. It is different from other Artcore songs that I have heard before. Perhaps you did not know and understand the concept of Artcore and everything related to it. Therefore, this version, along with the Variant No. 1, is still a Pop/Ballad song. And because of the genre you named to this version, it has become worse than the rest.

    And, I will be the first one in the event to say what you want to hear from BMS players: "The Variant No. 2 is not an Artcore song".

    About the story appearing in the introduction/comment, I believe that you could still make songs even when you was in that situation. I do not know why you canceled the 3 undone projects and removed them from the introduction, but it has killed your will and spirit. I hope that in the future, this case will not happen again with you.

    Anyway, I am so glad that I can play your song which is represented to our country. Thank you for representing Vietnam, for making this entry, and for everything you made, told and shred to BMS players. I do not care where you will be at the ranking, but your experience has been increasing, I believe that. Enjoy the rest of the event. It will be okay to you, even when you are in the last place now.

    I look forward to your response.

    Also, is Sakura OK now? Please send my regards to her and your family.

    P/s: You do not need to find me on social network, because I do not use any of these. Thank you. Here is 10 points for you.

    The Burden of Asia  

    Music: 285/1000
    Image: 0/1000
    Patterns (7KEYS NORMAL + HYPER in all versions): 404/1000
    Special: Self-Sacrifice - -100% points to all criteria
    Overall: 0.0/1000

    幼ヌ  ()


    Deadline Hater  



    Played Normal Original, Hyper Original Variant No.1 Variant No.2

    [Music : 2.25/3]
    [Other : 0/1 ]
    [Total : 6.25 ]
    *Scored with the 19 Aug version

    I thought the song was very emotional and impressive. I liked the original version, and as for Variant No.1 and No.2, it seemed that it is still incomplete as there were not much movement in the music and it was rather a repetition of same phrases. I thought that the attempt to make different charts with different music was actually nice, but considering the deadline (which you presumably hate..) maybe it was better to complete the work only with the original version.
    As for the sounds, in these kind of quiet songs, I think it is important to create the sounds in extra care to avoid unnecessary noises. For example, EPiano_1_xxx.wav, these sounds seemed to be simply chopped out and the tail of the sound ended with same volume, they were as a result causing clicking noises at the end of the sound. You can avoid this by fading out the tail of the sound. (If you learn to use MID2BMS, this can be easily done by using the "TailCutPlus" function. MID2BMS is in Japanese, but I'm sure you can understand.)
    The sound balance seemed to be nice, and noticed that there were differences in volumes of each sound, which I thought gave good expression.
    As for the charts, it is actually difficult to create "fun" charts in these kind of slow tempo songs, so one approach is to consider what kind of charts would be fun at the stage of composing the song, but maybe it might not be your style. Though, I think the charts can be better at least by following the scale - putting high pitch sounds in right, low pitch sounds in left. It seemed that this was considered in some part, but some part it seemed strange. Actually, this scale basic I think doesn't always have to be followed, but in this kind of slow song with less notes, I think it's better to follow. Also, the difficulty of HYPER (especially Variant No.2) seemed to be a bit unbalance, first part is like 3 or 4 where latter part suddenly becomes 8 or 9.

    I think I've said many things, but I like your music and liked this song also. I'm looking forward for your future works!


    mots-sensei, it was a very loyal and useful impression and advice. Thank you very very much for everything you gave to my entry. I truly appreciate that.

    utzbo  ()

    (Sorry, Impression in Japanese.)


    今後こういったことをされる場合はタイトルを統一しサブタイトルを変えると良いのではないかと思います(今回であれば「Mưa [Rain]」のような形にするなど)。




    Deadline Hater  

    エントリーが長すぎるため、非常に退屈だと思います。 私はBMSとしてのプロジェクトにはあまり注意を払いませんでした。 その問題についてお詫び申し上げます。
    また、残りの作品については、特にKhibineさんの印象を受けて、計画を変更しました。 ただし、この変更により、イベントのエントリの概要が変更されるとは思いません。
    とにかく、私のプロジェクト全体に与えてくれたすべてに感謝します。 本当に感謝しています。
    P / s:あなたのエントリーもかなり素晴らしいです。 もうすぐ印象を残します。 改めて、感想とアドバイスをありがとうございました。


    Great music.
    This simple and beautiful melody was so good that I would purify the dark side of BMS authorship.
    Thank you for the wonderful BMS.

    Deadline Hater  

    Thank you for your play and impression. However, after receiving advices from some BMS "teachers", I think that I do not deserve that 10 points. I'm sorry.
    (The dark side of BMS authorship?)

    Khibine  ()

    (Japanese only. sorry)どの譜面をプレイすればよかったのか分からなかったのでとりあえずLEVEL 10の譜面をプレイしました。
    プレイ時間5分はBMSの尺を考えると長すぎます… そのため長くても3分以内に収まるように時間を縮めてみましょう。何をしたいのかは伝わってきたので、時間を縮めることができれば作曲力も上がっていくと思います
    いろいろと書いてしまいましたが、Deadline Haterさんの作品にはいい意味でBMSの特徴をあまりよくわかっていないという印象を受けます。そのため、実際に他のBMS作品をプレイしてBMSの特徴を掴んでみてはいかがでしょうか。次回作に期待しています。

    Deadline Hater  

    (英語のみ、ご... いいえ。日本語で返信します)
    誠にありがとうございました。 本当に感謝しています。
    実は以前の印象、特にステファンさんとくるやのぶさんからの感想を聞いて、今までBMSにいかに苦労したかを実感しました。 そして、この印象では、あなたは最初にこう言います:「Deadline Haterさんの作品にはいい意味でBMSの特徴をあまりよくわかっていないという印象を受けます」。

    幼女  ()


    Deadline Hater  


    くるやのぶ  ()



    Deadline Hater  

    長い印象、コメント、アドバイスをありがとうございました。 本当に感謝しています。 そして、あなたと他のBMSプレーヤーに与えた遅延について深くお詫び申し上げます。 あなたが私を許してくれることを願っています(または許さない)。

    SOMON  ()

    It was a really cool song, but I felt it was a little too long for BMS.
    But the beautiful melody at the beginning was pretty nice.
    Thank you for your work!

    Deadline Hater  

    Thank you very much for your impression and advice. I truly appreciate it.
    I hope you enjoyed the project, even when the further versions is about to be released.

    ステファン  ()

    (SPH on everything) It's pretty late for this kind of correction right now but I think for this kind of work you might want to consolidate the BMS by using a title format like "A (B Edit/ver.)" because looking the song up ingame was confusing. The event page says it's called "Mua" so I expected to find a song called "Mua" but I didn't.
    It's also possible to indicate each version with the #GENRE field (an example of a BMS that does this is Shinji Hirano's "OR" from this year's 無名線; the #TITLE is the same for everything but there are 3 versions called "day", "dream" and "daydream")

    It's difficult to describe the experience precisely because from all aspects it emanates a very strong "too much on the same plate" atmosphere.
    The concept of having a song with multiple version never fails to be impressive but here I find it extremely regrettable that they all constitute the antithesis of what makes a song enjoyable in the context of a rhythm game: lengthy and slow.
    The songs themselves are decent on the overall and would be suitable for casual listening or, say, background music in a game cutscene? But as a BMS, no matter what version I play, I spend 3/4 of the run being bored, and when it's over it's difficult to recall precisely what just happened in the chart. I understand that this is still not finished, but I'm also 100% convinced that even if it were to be finished I would have the same thoughts so I'm dropping the impression now.

    Deadline Hater  

    Thank you very much for your very long impression.
    About the BMS title, as what I said in the comment, it would be a misunderstanding when I write a title in Vietnamese without accent ("mưa" means "rain" in English, while "mua" means "to buy something"). Therefore, it may have some contents that are prohibited in this event.
    About the "antithesis": Because it is a Pop/Ballad song, it should be slow (BPM: 80-120 is the most appropriate). And honestly, I did not think I would do these version way very long. It might make you never more boring when playing them as BMS.
    I truly appreciate your decision to drop an impression in this time. And once again, thank you for everything you give to my entry.


    played original and rock edit.
    couldn't play all version, cuz i'm really tired nowadays. lấy làm tiếc
    the song has a calm atmosphere like your previous works, and the part that changes to a low speed after the first sound fx was impressive.

    ...and deeply saddened by reading the description of the work after playing.

    maybe my score is a little bit strict, but i decided to set more strict standard of scoring in this event.
    and i think it is important skill to bms producers that expressing a subject that takes more than 4 minutes to speak in one piece of 2 mins music.
    anyway, hoping she can recover as soon as possible, i look forward to the next work.

    Deadline Hater  

    Woah, I'm alive! (Sorry Sobrem)
    Finally I have had an impression (or maybe they are expecting the next version, I guess. Or not.)
    Thank you very much for your impression, advice and greeting, my "teacher".
    I appreciate your decision that you will not play all variants. I know that everyone will be tired when playing. I also do not need everyone to wait for my completion.
    I don't care about your strict standard on scoring entries, because if I want to leave impressions, my criteria will be also restricted.
    Anyway, I have no words to say. Once again, thank you for everything you gave to me and my sister via the impression.