Chip Concerto
The Villager
LastUpdate : 2020/12/21 21:49
Music information
Those who were born when you first began anew,
Those whose existence starts and ends with you,
When you return after a long time away,
How do they feel? Do they want you to stay?
Team | Breakbeat Symphony | ||
BMS Artist | BilliumMoto URL | ||
Genre | Chip Concerto | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | The Villager | ||
Size | 82KB | BGA | BGA include・Self |
Level | ★x3〜★x26 | BPM | 221 |
TAG | 7Keys Use-BGA Use-ogg Use-wmv_movie Gimmick-LongNote Difficulty-intermediate Difficulty-senior Difficulty-craziness Difficulty-kusofumen |
DownLoadAddress | |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2020/10/22 00:14 | Last Update | 2020/12/21 21:49 |
VOTE Points
(6Zs9XfwOC9KbHCE1KQCN)Short Impression
Post Short Impression
Long Impression
Played pattern: A
Music: 5.0/7.0
Pattern: 3.0/7.0
Keysound Objects: 7.0/7.0
Others: 0.0
Total points: 15.0
Final PTS: 6.31 (B-)
Comments: 패턴에 LN을 적극적으로 사용하는 건 보기 힘든 구성이기에, 컨셉 자체는 괜찮았지만 BM에게 다소 불친절한 부분이 많고 난이도 또한 후반에 몰려있는 느낌이어서 아쉬웠습니다.
제작 수고하셨습니다! (Thank you for your hard work.)
静かながらもChip Melodyがうまく導い作品でした。
Song : 8 / 9
Pattern : -1 / 10 (SPH, SPA)
BGA : 8 / 10
편안하게 들을 수 있는 감성이 잘 살아있는 곡이었다고 생각합니다. 단순히 피아노의 느낌만 살았다기 보다, 신디사이저의 소리?까지도 상당히 잘 어울리는 것이 인상적이었습니다. 다만, 후반부의 오케스트라같은 연출이 저에게는 오히려 부담스러웠던 것 같습니다. 패턴의 경우에는 SPA 이상은 후반부부터는 전면적으로 플레이에 지장이 있을 것 같습니다. 후반부에 롱노트 4개 이상 + 롱 스크래치의 경우에는 아무리 컨트롤러 한손 플레이를 잘 친다고 해도 상당히 무리가 많이 가는 패턴인데, 이는 컨트롤러 플레이어에 대한 배려가 전혀 되어있지 않았다고 생각합니다. 제작 수고하셨습니다!
(MUSIC : 800 / 800, BGA : 90 / 100, PATTERN & KEYSOUND : -100 / 100)
※ I only leave a long impression for BMS with a score of 980 or higher, but I'll make an exception for this BMS.
When I first saw this song on YouTube, I was worried first.
'Door Nock', which was submitted to the BOF last year, must have received a lot of reviews for its poor sequence.
The evaluation will be repeated then.
I really liked the song because it's a Madeon style song that I enjoy listening to.
BGA is not fancy, but I think it's pretty good.
By the way, I still don't like the sequence.
It seems better to find someone who produces sequences separately.
To be honest, even if I make a pattern, I'll do better than this.
Actually, I'm making my own sequence, and I'm going to post it on my personal YouTube.
It's a pity that I have to deduct points like this.
Thank you for your hard work.
[Hard, Another, Forgotten] Charts, BGA and song all felt like they had been infused with your personality and had strong impact. One single complaint about the song though, is that the chip lead at 1:29 bothered me a little. Maybe it was a bit too loud for my tastes, maybe it's just that its dryness contrasts a bit too strongly with the rest of the arrangement, maybe I'm just not a fan of the waveform itself... I don't know.
It's difficult to figure out how I feel about the charts. I don't play much LN so as you'd expect I perform pretty poorly but even then it feels like there wasn't much consideration for the controller experience. The BSS on #113 is especially strenuous since it's definitely a pattern you can do if you have one hand on the key and one hand on the scratch but this is the kind of technique you only ever need to learn in DP so you can't expect this from your average 7K player.
Still, that doesn't stop me from liking the charts for what they are. At the same time though, including a version without LNs for the Forgotten difficulty seemed to be a great compromise. However even without the LNs it's still above ★★5 at the very least (#TOTAL value is roughly half of FDFD's even though the last section is as dense) so it was personally out of my reach. Ultimately if I were to formulate a suggestion, it would have been to make two sets of charts, with one being what you feel like making and one that's more "reasonable".
Music: 892/1000
Movie: 799/1000
Pattern (7KEYS NORMAL): 838/1000
Overall: 852.6/1000
Thank you for your work.