月晕, Yakamoz
LastUpdate : 2020/09/14 23:43
Music information
(2020年08月25日 17:26 更新)
(2020年08月24日 20:05 更新)
The cover illustration has improved.
(2020年08月22日 01:59 更新)
Sound quality has improved with a louder volume.
The main title has changed with the Chinese full name.
And there are two BMS formats that could be downloaded.
And make the new charts. Equilibrate the difficulty. Now, there are four charts.
In my test, sometimes, the BMS may sound noisy.
When it happens, just change the Volume-Master between 50-75.
(2020年08月17日 02:33 更新)
"The Piper is under the moonlight and plays sorrow."
Because of taking part in the competition, I especially drew the cover illustration.
I am trying to express the desolate and lonely mood on this track.
And It's also the first BMS that I have made.
It's a practice. To be honest, It's hard. But finally, I finished it.
And this track will be included in a ten-track album.
And thanks to my dear cat, stay with me to spread many midnights.☽
Thanks for Playing:)!
Lvies Rosylia
Team | Asia | ||
BMS Artist | Rosylia URL | ||
Genre | Ethnic | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | 月晕, Yakamoz | ||
Size | 314861KB | BGA | BGI only・Self |
Level | ★x4〜★x10 | BPM | 120 |
TAG | 7Keys 5Keys Use-BGI Use-ogg Difficulty-beginner |
DownLoadAddress |
製作環境 | おでん |
Regist Time | 2020/08/17 01:42 | Last Update | 2020/09/14 23:43 |
VOTE Points
(rgeGJYS4bSlQ/PxgQoJP) paraneumann (
(0MJhlIWVkvKCI1rPfsJP) kireji (
(uVGWRA1LTcLBw5cXdoJP) Setca. 
(Ii3dkXtAFGzfWriFDUJP) キメラのキタムラ (
(CCInkONw.GpW8gHo5YJP) Eltsopa 
(OJJ29kvwQ6UtRBnKakJP) 暮狛 (
(HlH1enY2rcsR4otuDMUS) kairos22 (
(Bqrl4KNe9ipJISnxVIUS) 129DCB9 (
(uiIXaufuC8.cti11EgVN) STANK! (
(RjYdYxDa6DjFNCqGJEJP) Khibine (
(JzSBGcgfo.2Scbz5I.JP) nakai-san (
(AcSddgA7J5nF5BzJFcJP) Clam (
(aEwq8PTu3lj3dMLBXsKR) Black 
(4EnJtYUUTC9WxJyvrwJP) Short Impression

Post Short Impression
Long Impression

Played pattern: H
Music: 4.0/7.0
Pattern: 1.0/7.0
Keysound Objects: 2.0/7.0
Others: 1.0 (Made me laugh (+1))
Total points: 8.0 (C)
Comments: 콘트롤러의 구조를 보자면, 접시는 다른 건반부와 다르게 스위치 형식이 아닌 센서로 회전을 감지하는 구조입니다. 따라서 접시는 강조하고 싶은 일부 음이 아니면 사용을 절제해야 하며, 특히 접시에 LN이 할당될시 건반부를 남은 한손으로 취할 수 밖에 없기에 자제하는 것이 좋습니다.
Please refrain from putting LN on the scratch lane.
제작 수고하셨습니다! (Thank you for your hard work.)
Music: 606/1000
Image: 638/1000
Patterns (Played 5 charts): 681/1000
Overall: 641.6/1000
Thank you for your work.
Played 5 keys EASY, 7keys NORMAL
[Total : 7/10]
The song I thought had some unique atmosphere with ethnic taste, and felt that the composition itself isn't bad at all. I liked the flute and sitar sounds, and I thought it matched with the atmosphere of this song. BGI was also nice, and thought that this also helped to build the atmosphere of the song.
As for sounds, it seemed that there were noises on most of the sounds, so I thought that the sounds should be recorded with more care.
As for charts, I thought the following points should be considered to make the charts better :
1. Sounds were assigned to scratches in the same way with other sounds. Scratch should be assigned to more special sounds, instead of considering as 1 scale of the same instrument.
2. Some sounds were assigned to BGA layers and that was not able to be heard. This should be put to BG area.
3. As for selection of key sounds, it seemed that only certain instruments were assigned to key sounds (piano, flute, and sitar?). I thought I wanted to play the percussion part in EASY and NORMAL charts also. I think making various sounds playable would make the charts exciting.
4. #RANK(which is how severe the judgement timing is for playing the notes correctly) was set as EASY to BEGINNER chart, NORMAL to N chart, HARD to H chart, and no #TOTAL(which is setting of how much the gauge will rise when GREAT appeared when hitting the notes correctly) was set to each charts. #RANK and #TOTAL should be set with care by test playing the charts. In current setting, it seemed to me that gauge for NORMAL was a bit heavy and was difficult for Play Level 7.
Though I thought that for your first work, this work wasn't so bad. The music itself was nice, and I thought all you need to consider is the basic for BMS creation. I believe you can make great BMS in near future.


Good music.
A fusion of beautiful melody and ethnicity. I felt a quiet uplifting feeling.
Thank you for the wonderful BMS.

For the mood ambient, it's a really a good track. Yes, you really understand Ethnic music.
I hope you could get more progress.
And for the BMS, I think the difficulty is also proper.
Trust me. You'll be a good BMS composer :)


Thanks for playing!And I improved the volume problem a little while ago.

(SPH) The composition is strong and has some very pretty moments but I find the arrangement too plain and lacking for the song as a whole to shine as much as it could. The treble and the bass frequencies feel empty for most of the song, and while I think this sort of "hollow" feeling perfectly complements certain parts of the song I also think it shouldn't be that way all the way through. Notably, when the kick and clap are introduced I started to feel the emptiness of the bass frequencies, thinking it would just be so much more satisfying if there was a bassline to complement the drums, and when the ride cymbal starts hitting in the later half of the song I also realized that the treble is just as empty.
What made me want to dock so many points though is the chart where I feel like there is a very poor understanding of the BMS format as a whole. For instance the judgerank increases with the difficulty of the pattern; I don't think that's a terrible idea in the slightest, in fact it's a very interesting initiative but NORMAL on a Normal, and HARD on a Hyper... In all honesty it gave off the impression that you didn't really know what you were doing.
As for the the patterns themselves, aside from the melodies not being emphasized enough in the patterns overall I also felt like there was a poor understanding of BMS charting ground rules as well. For instance it felt like the scratch was being treated as yet another key and that I was playing an "8KEYS" chart rather than a "7KEYS" one. There is also the abundant usage of long notes that I find very irritating, especially for a Hyper and with the HARD judgerank. It really just doesn't work...
I do understand that this is your first BMS however, so in a sense I feel like these problems are to be expected in a way. If you want directions, I would suggest studying the basics of charting, either by interacting with others by posting what you do and asking for feedback or studying charts that are well acclaimed on your own and try to figure out what they do and why. As someone who makes BMSes as well I completely understand if you have a desire to branch out from the fundations or the meta and "be yourself" but I also think that this isn't something you can pull off properly without developing a solid understanding of the ground rules, else people will always have the feeling that you don't really "know what you're doing". I wrote in length about what I think are the flaws of this BMS but I also think it has strengths that are simply overpowered by the flaws so I would be happy if you kept making more BMSes and developed to capitalize on these strengths..!
Yes. I could feel your honesty in these sentences. That's very useful!And thank you for this great advice.
As I just say, It's a practice before the formal event.
And I will improve my charts and bass on another two tracks.
In the BOFXVI, I hope I could get more your advice again!:)