Requiem Trance
Rose Quartz
LastUpdate : 2023/03/07 23:56
Music information
(2023年03月07日 23:56 更新)
(2022年09月23日 00:09 更新)
(2022年09月22日 23:50 更新)
Rose Quartz
"A withering rose waiting for its death in silence,
the rose stubbownly resist its death."
Music: Rose Quartz
Video: Rose Quartz
Obj: NebulaBunny_uwu
BPM: 138
[SP INSANE] ★0 (☆11)
[Border of Life] ★5
BMS Artist | Rose Quartz URL | ||
Genre | Requiem Trance | Original・Self | |
Source | ----- | ----- | |
Title | ibuprofen | ||
Size | 48558KB | BGA | BGA include・Self |
Level | ★x1〜★x12 | BPM | 138 |
TAG | 7Keys Use-BGA Use-ogg Use-wmv_movie Difficulty-beginner Difficulty-intermediate Difficulty-senior |
DownLoadAddress |[QUARTZ%20FLOWER] |
製作環境 | 非公開 |
Regist Time | 2022/09/22 23:37 | Last Update | 2023/03/07 23:56 |
VOTE Points
Daniel Rotwind◆..f0IHKdBe.C
(cQDulr0y6o/dOb6v.YKR)Short Impression
Post Short Impression
Long Impression
played 7key hyper/another/insane
Played 7K ANOTHER.
It is very wistful and dreamlike. Additionally, the production is just completely dissimilar to what's trendy in doujin trance right now (the percussion is very minimal!) which I think gives it a unique character. Though the track repeats itself a lot, the main melody never becomes less captivating. It's an old side of trance that is completely not seen publicly right now.
The downside is that it has a tense ending with beeps that seem very loud and sudden. This may have been deliberate but it seems not great for casual listening in what's otherwise a very calm song.
Personally, I also think the strings stand out as "cheap" in the sections with just them, the band pass and the piano. I might have considered layering in pads or ambient beds with more movement to hide it a bit.
So, it's a really cool track that stands out from other entries, but my overall feelings are slightly mixed? (Dunno.)
The final score will be "6 out of 10" (good).
This will use a stricter scoring system compared to previous years.
That's all for now.
Played: [SPH] & [Border of Life]
I like how the end of the song references to ibuprofen [painkillers] with the heartbeat getting faster and eventually death.
The song in itself, I personally think it was not that great, but still good enough. It was kind of repetitive and I personally didn't really like how the song sounded, it was still good though. The beat was okay, but I think it needs some improvement.
The chart is really good, but I think the song didn't quite connect with it [especially Border of Life]. Some parts have some unnecessary notes (unnecessary as in breaking the atmosphere between the song and the chart, in my opinion at least lmao). The charts sure also were easy to sight-read and honestly fun to play.
As for the BGA, I like the literal black and white theme, with the black flowers and their animations [Opening, closing, etc]. It's not too distracting and looks appealing [The white isn't too white to be blinding, looking at you Discord light theme xD]. It's also just really good to look at to be honest.
Thank you for your hard work, nice to see one of my teammates on another team doing great! [Destruction of Flowers is the team don't disqualify me aero man pls]
全般的には Minimalに近い感じでした。 曲の展開自体には大きなトラブルはありませんでしたが、Climaxに出てくる Beep音(sine wave系)、特に最後に出てきた高い短い Beep音は強調のために入れたと判断されますが、他の音色に比べて大きすぎたのではないかと思います。 現在の大きさから大体 30%ぐらい減らしていたらもっとよく似合うのではないかと思います。(最後の長い Beep音はそれよりは少なくしても構わないと思います。)
총 점수 : 965점
제작 수고하셨습니다.
* 음악 ( 총 315점 )
곡 자체의 반복이 심한 편이지만 개인적으로는 반복하는 음이 상당히 매력적이라서 좋았습니다. 하지만 개인적으로 후반부의 Beep 소리는 약간 거슬렸습니다. 곡의 마지막 분위기를 만드는데에는 잘 일조했지만 약간 소리가 너무 크지 않았나 생각합니다. 반복이 심한 것을 빼면 곡의 전개는 괜찮았습니다.
* 채보 ( 총 350점 )
* 채보의 개인적인 재미 ( 250점 )
* 채보가 최소 한 키에 3종류 이상 ( 50점 )
* 플레이 가능한 키 종류가 2/3종류 이상 ( X )
* 가장 낮은 레벨의 채보가 5 이하 ( 50점 )
플레이한 채보 : SPA
채보는 재미있게 플레이했습니다. 마디선을 이용한 시각적 요소도 마음에 들었습니다. 크게 아쉬운 부분은 없었습니다.
* BGA (총 100점 )
BGA가 곡의 분위기와 매우 잘 어울린다고 생각합니다.
* BMS 구성 ( 총 125점 )
* 아이캐치 ( 25점 )
* 프리뷰 ( 25점 )
* BackBMP ( X )
* 배너 ( 25점 )
* 리드미 파일 ( 25점 )
* 빈 BMS 파일 ( X )
* BGA를 제외한 용량이 100MB 이하 ( 25점 )
BMS 구성은 위의 파일들이 들어있고 BMS에 적용되어있을 경우에 주는 점수입니다. 가급적 위에 있는 것들이 모두 있는 것을 선호하기에 점수를 설정했습니다.
* 내 컬렉션에 넣고 싶은가? ( 75점 )
개인적으로 곡이 반복적이기는 해도 마음에 들었으며 채보도 재미있었습니다.
音乐: 260/300
谱面: 270/300
演出: 170/200
新手友好度: 190/200
- 退屈な曲展開
- 反復的な曲展開
悲しみや切なさなどが強く伝わってくるような曲でした… あぁ…
譜面に関しては押しやすくて良かったですし、こちらも一番簡単な譜面でスコアを詰めさせていただきました! 別の譜面はまた後日まったりと遊ばせていただきますw
Played Chart : SPA
플레이 경험을 해치지 않고 눈을 즐겁게 하는 기믹의 올바른 예, 초반부터 곡의 전개가 괜찮았습니다.
제작 수고하셨습니다. (Thank you for your hard work.)
First let's start off with the BGA, the BGA isn't exactly the best, however, it is definitely good quality.
Let's get to the more interesting part, the music, the song has an actual feeling inside of it, the song was repetitive though. The ending for the song was really interesting, as it gave this sense of time running out and you are trying to fight for your life in the end to just hear a pulse which can maybe signify a person dying. The song name fits the song, ibuprofen, painkillers.
The HYPER chart was very enjoyable, it was extremely easy for my fingers (in the sense that I didn't have to process notes, rather my fingers sightread it with no problem). The ANOTHER chart felt very weird, it was easier than the HYPER chart but then in the middle, harder than HYPER.
The INSANE chart, however, wasn't as enjoyable but I still enjoyed its actual balance and easier parts somewhere in the middle.
I really enjoyed this entry from you.
Hope to see you in future events, Rose Quartz!
Thank you!